Category Archives: Prayer Letters

November 2021 Prayer Letter

November 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the restrictions for the month of December is the same as it was in November except for one change, the restrictions for the weekend has been lifted but we still can’t go out on Mondays. Let’s hope the weekends will remain like that but we never know with the government.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the books of the Bible, so far I have done the Book of Leviticus, Book of Psalms, the Epistle of James, the Epistles of John (1, 2, & 3), the Epistle of Jude; I am finished with the Epistle to Philemon.  I am back in the 1st Epistle of John and I will be working on chapters 2:17 to chapter 5, it will take me a while to finish it even though I have already written the Outline for all the chapters.  It is truly a blessing meditating on the Word and learning a lot.As I have mentioned in our previous letter, I have put a booklet together of my experience in the hospital San Juan de Dios in San José, Costa Rica, based on Romans 8:28 written in Spanish and English. The title is: Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms. It is being printed at the moment by Macedonia World Baptist Missions and hoping to have it finished by the end of this year.  You can preview the booklet on our website under BOOKS – Spanish & English. The Commentaries and Outlines can also be seen on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines, as well my preaching under Media/ Sermons in Spanish and Sermons Notes under Spanish Sermons, Notes and Outlines.
  • Our health in order to work in His vineyard. As I mentioned previously, it is going to be a long process for my recuperation before I can resume (full blast) to my normal activities. I saw the doctor and has removed the stiches on November 27, according to him, it will take a while to heal on the inside even though I do have some liquid accumulated in my stomach; as I mentioned previously the doctor had to install a mesh between the exterior of my skin and my intestines, this mesh will eventually dissipate, most probably within a year.  I had the biopsy done for my prostate, now I am waiting for the results. Continue praying for my wife, as well, for physical strength as she is doing everything and being also my nurse. With all these setbacks, I am asking the Lord to give me physical strength to keep doing His work according to His will because He is in control of my health and my life; what the Lord started, He will fulfill it and keep His promises as long we are faithful to Him to the end – Philippians 1: 6. Thank you for your prayers, it means a lot to us.

3. Place for the ministry – We received the drawings from the Association (the Owner) but with my condition I have not been able to submit them to the Federal College of Engineers and Architects to review them; once that’s done, we will submit them to the Ministry of Health and the Corps of Firemen for their approval.

4. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 566,560 cases with 7,287 deaths.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions.
  • Driver’s license – Continue praying regarding this issue, please! I am still trying to get an appointment with COSEVI (DMV in the USA) to get my Costa Rican License and as of this day no results.

They are making things very complicated here even their own people, the Ticos, are saying the same thing.

Support Level        

Our support is still at 84%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry; even though we are very eager to start but the Lord knows what He is doing! (Psalms 27: 14).

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord for my wife, He has blessed me in a special way for I have no words on how to describe it. If it wasn’t for her, I could not have done anything.
  • Praise the Lord that I am slowly recuperating with no major issues, but I do have to take care of myself and not abuse it. I thank the Lord for the doctor that operated on me and I want to quote something he said to me: “If you don’t take care of yourself, you will not have a ministry”.
  • Praise the Lord for the time that He has given me to work on the Bible Outlines and Commentaries. As I meditate on all these setbacks, the Lord has given me that time to use it wisely for His glory.  The Lord, as always, knows what He is doing and I am very grateful. Nothing is in vain when we do it for the Lord.  
  • Praise the Lord for all of you for the Christmas gift, it was a big help towards the hospital and doctors expenses for my hernia operation and prostate Biopsy. Thank you very much and may the Lord immensely bless you all!   

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!   

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, Reach for Christ.

September Prayer Letter

September 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the restrictions for the month of October has been changed again, we can’t go out on Mondays and on the weekends it alternates, starting this Sunday we can´t go out.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. I want to share something, with you all, that I have been working on for the past year since the pandemic started that the Lord has impressed on my heart to do; the Lord is giving me wisdom on how to do it and I also need your prayers. I have been writing in depth Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the books of the Bible, so far I have done the Book of Leviticus, Book of Psalms, the Epistle of James, the Epistles of John (1, 2, & 3), the Epistle of Jude; Lord willing by the end of this year I am praying and hoping to do the Epistles of Peter (1 and 2) and Philemon. It is truly a blessing and learning a lot. Also, I have put a pamphlet together of my experience in the hospital San Juan de Dios in San José, Costa Rica, based on Romans 8:28 written in Spanish and hoping to get it printed soon, the title is: Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms. The Commentaries and Outlines can be seen on our website at under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines.
  2. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtually.
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. As I mentioned previously, It is going to be a long process for my recuperation before I can resume (full blast) to my normal activities.With all these setbacks, I am asking the Lord to give me physical strength to keep doing His work according to His will because He is in control of my health and my life; what the Lord started, He will fulfill it and keep His promises as long we are faithful to Him to the end – Philippians 1: 6. Thank you for your prayers, it means a lot to us. Continue praying for my wife as well as for physical strength, she had a minor surgery in her right feet this past Tuesday the 28th of September.

4. Place for the ministry – We are still working in getting drawings and all the documents necessary from the Association (the owner of the space is making things very difficult and complicated) & the Federal College of Engineers and Architects as well. We had to use another architect because the previous one elected not to continue with the project and because of that, it sets us back in getting the approval from the Ministry of Health and the Corps of Firemen. Once that issue is settled, we can move forward submitting the application to the Ministry of Health, the Corps of Firemen for their approval.

5. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 530,113 cases with 6,349 deaths.

6. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions.

7. Driver’s license – Continue praying regarding this issue, please! I have received the documents needed from the Secretary of Commonwealth of Virginia. Now, I am trying to make an appointment with COSEVI (DMV in the USA) to get my Costa Rican License; they only give you one day which is Thursday from 8:00AM to 11:00AM to do it, only on line, and I have been trying for the past three weeks and no result. They make it hard and they don’t work with you and especially if you are a foreigner. As I mentioned in my last prayer letter I had the month of September to get all this resolved so I can drive legally and now I am stuck.  I am still not sure what I am going to do yet regarding this issue of the entry date to Costa Rica which does not coincide with the issuance date on my driver’s license; again, that doesn’t make any sense at all. When I go to COSEVI, I will speak to them about it and if they don’t collaborate with me then I may have to get a lawyer involved to resolve all this mess but I pray that I would not have to. They are making things very complicated here even their own people, the Ticos, are saying the same thing.

Support Level        

Our support went up to 84%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry.  

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord that I am slowly recuperating with no major issues but my stomach is inflamed since three weeks ago,  I made an appointment to see a doctor and to have an ultrasonic done but I have to wait until November 26, 2021 to have it done. Due to COVID everything is full and backed up even the hospitals. The Lord is good!
  2. Praise the Lord that our support went up 2%.
  3. Praise the Lord I had an opportunity to speak twice at the Pastor’s fellowship this month, it is always a blessing!

4. Praise the Lord for the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship, supporting and praying for us as well during this time. We have another group, just for men, of which I am also involved and it is called “Men of Valor”; we meet once a month at the end of the month on Friday evening and Saturday morning.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, Reach for Christ.

August 2021 – Prayer Letter

August 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the restrictions for the month of September has been changed for the better; we are able to go out from Tuesdays through Sundays from 5:00AM to 10:00PM except for Mondays.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtually.
  2. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. As I mentioned previously, It is going to be a long process for my recuperation before I can resume (full blast) to my normal activities. With all these setbacks, I am asking the Lord to give me physical strength to keep doing His work according to His will because He is in control of my health and my life; what the Lord started, He will fulfill it and keep His promises as long we are faithful to Him to the end – Philippians 1: 6. Thank you for your prayers, it means a lot to us. Continue praying for my wife as well as for physical strength. I had my Colonoscopy exam done, everything went well except I have a severe case of Diverticulosis which has to be treated; I have to make an appointment to see the doctor as soon as possible. Praise the Lord that the COVID – 19 test was negative because if it was positive I couldn’t have the Colonoscopy done; I would have to wait and be quarantined.

3. Place for the ministry – We are still working in getting drawings and all the documents necessary from the Association (the owner of the space is making things very difficult and complicated) & the Federal College of Engineers and Architects. We had to use another architect because the previous one elected not to continue with the project and because of that, it sets us back in getting the approval from the Ministry of Health and the Corps of Firemen. Once that issue is settled, we can move forward submitting the application to the Ministry of Health, the Corps of Firemen for their approval.

4. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 455,784 cases with 5,431 deaths.

6. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions.

7. Driver’s license – Continue praying regarding this issue, please! I have requested for an original transcript of my records and my license to DMV in Virginia which in turn has to be notarized and sent to the Secretary of Commonwealth in order for them to Authenticate and Apostille these documents; now it is a waiting game until I get them back so I can submit these documents to COSEVI here in Costa Rica which is like DMV in the States.  I have the month of September to get all this resolved, praying that I will get my license here in Costa Rica so I can drive legally. I am not sure what I am going to do yet regarding this issue of the entry date to Costa Rica which does not coincide with the issuance date on my driver’s license; again, that doesn’t make any sense at all. I may have to get a lawyer involved to resolve all this mess but I pray that I would not have to.

At this point, I am trying to figure this out so I can drive legally here in CR. They are making things very complicated here even their own people, the Ticos, are saying the same thing.

Support Level        

Our support went up to 84%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry.  

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19. We need to have eight eyes (a manner of speaking) to drive here due to all the motorcycles and bicycles that are on the road, it is very easy to have an accident if we are not careful.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord that I am slowly recuperating with no major issues but my stomach has been inflamed for the past three weeks and I am trying to make an appointment to go and see a doctor, the hospitals are full but it could be worse. But The Lord is good!
  2. Praise the Lord that our support went up 2%.
  3. Praise the Lord for the Mission Conference we had Bible Baptist Church Caller Blancos, the church was able to take on two more missionaries in the country of Costa Rica apart from the other 12 (4 in Panama, 1 in France, 1 in Mexico, 1 in Venezuela, 1 in India and the rest in Costa Rica.
  4. Praise the Lord for the blessed time we had for Mother’s Day at Bible Baptist Church Calle Blancos; I got to preach, many mothers and grandmothers came forward to the altar, it was a great blessing.
  5. Praise the Lord for the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship, supporting and praying for us as well during this time. We have another group, just for men, of which I am also involved and it is called “Men of Valor”; we meet once a month at the end of the month on Friday evening and Saturday morning.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, Reach for Christ.

June 2021 Prayer Letter

June 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times. We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the restrictions for the month of June has been the same as for the prior month and will continue throughout the month of July, with the exception for some random picks on the days we can or we can’t go out.  

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtuallyvia Live Stream Facebook.
  2. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. It will be a long process for my recuperation before I can resume my normal activities. With all these setbacks, I am asking the Lord to give me physical strength to keep doing His work according of His will because He is in control of my health and my life; what the Lord started, He will fulfill it and keep His promises as long we are faithful to Him to the end – Philippians 1: 6. Thank you for your prayers, it means a lot to us. Continue praying for my wife as well for physical strength. Also pray for our (my wife and I) general physical exam coming up on July 13, 2021.

3. Place for the ministry –We are still waiting on the response from the Federal College of Engineers and Architects;  once that is settled we can move forward submitting the application to the Ministry of Health, the Corps of Firemen for their approval. The maximum number of seats we can fit in the space is about 40 but with COVID situation maximum 20.

4. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 364,304 cases with 4,648 deaths.

5. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions.

6. THIS IS AN URGENT PRAYER REQUEST. Pray about getting our Costa Rica driver’s license, it has been three months (every day) now that I am trying to get it and absolutely nothing. So much bureaucracy. Once you have your residency of which we have, we have three months maximum for the homologation of our license but it has been extremely difficult and they are making it impossible to obtain. The right hand, here, does not know what the left hand is doing. Each person has their own regulation.  So, with that being said, I am driving illegally at the moment not of my own choosing because I am trying to do all the correct things, even though I have my driver’s license from the USA up to date, it does not matter to them.  I have exhausted all my options at the moment, only the Lord can intervene in this issue. Please pray!

Support Level        

Our support went down to 82%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry.  

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord that I am slowly recuperating with no major issues. The Lord is good! I went to the doctor this morning June 30, 2021 for a checkup and the doctor said “So far so good, don’t over do it”.
  2. Praise the Lord for the progress we are making regarding the Ministry. For now, everything is in the hands of the architect at the moment, pray that he will move faster with these documents so we can submit them to the Ministry of Health for their approval.  
  3. Praise the Lord for Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos where Pastor Sergio Matarrita ministers at. Pastor Sergio is the host of the pastor’s fellowship that we have every Tuesday and Friday and he is willing to help us in every way possible with our ministry once we start.   Pastor Sergio has been a blessing to us during these trying times.
  4. Praise the Lord for the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship, supporting and praying for us as well during this time.
  5. Praise the Lord for the unexpected financial blessings that we receive.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, Reach for Christ.

May 2021 Prayer Letter

May 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the restrictions for the month of May is the same as for the prior month, even though we can’t go out on Sundays, we have a formal letter from Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos, Pastor Sergio Matarrita that we can because I am one of the Pastors of the church, once the restrictions are lifted.   

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtuallyvia Live Stream Facebook.
  2. Our health in order to work in His vineyard.  As you are perhaps aware already, I was admitted to the hospital, and was there for 10 days, due to a blockage to my upper intestine. I was operated on and the problem has been corrected.  I will have a lot of post operation visits with doctors and it will be a long process to my recuperation and I pray that there will be no more operation. With all these setbacks, I am asking the Lord to give me physical strength to keep doing His work according of His will because He is in control of my health and my life; what the Lord started, He will fulfill it and keep His promises as long we are faithful to Him to the end – Philippians 1: 6. Thank you for your prayers, it means a lot to us.
  • Place for the ministry –We are still waiting on the response from the Federal College of Engineers and Architects; once that is settled we can move forward submitting the application to the Ministry of Health, the Corps of Firemen. By faith we have given a refundable retainer of 500.00 dollars to the owner of the locale to hold the place for us until all the requirements have been settled. As you know, the Land Use has already been approved by the Department of Buildings per our prior prayer letter. We are ready to start but we are concerned about the lack of support but we trust in the Lord that He will provide, He send us here and we know He will.  Before we start the ministry, there will be other cost involved such as: 1 month of rent and security in advance ($2,110.00), COVID – 19 cost (we have to abide to all regulations and restrictions), Corporation fees, Department of Health, Department of Buildings & Permits, Lawyers, Taxes, Furniture (50 chairs for sanctuary, 2 chairs & 2 side tables for guest, 3 tables, pulpit, 1 office desk, 1 office chair, 2 shelves), 3 Flags (Christian, CR & USA),  Outside Signs and 2 Banners, Audio Equipment, movable Screen and some renovation cost such as AC/ Unit, Toilets which the owner will not do (we are trying to negotiate with him). We are putting together an estimate of these items, some we have paid for already such as the Department of Building and Health.  We are trusting in the Lord for His provision.

      God knows the desire of our hearts and the passion that lies deep within our souls to serve Him where He has sent us. Thank you for everyone who stood with us previously.

4. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 314,102 cases with 3,962 deaths.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions.
  • Pray for our neighbor Alex and his wife Fatima that their hearts will be opened to the Gospel and accept Jesus as their savior. They are the ones that brought me to the hospital late Saturday night, the 15th, despite of their restrictions. Fatima has been helping my wife getting things done.

Support Level        

Our support is still down at 84% due to COVID – 19. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry.  

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord that my operation went well and slowly recuperating.
  • Praise the Lord for the progress we are making regarding the Ministry with the Department of Buildings and Health, as well with the owner of the complex. For now, everything is in the hands of the architect at the moment.
  • Praise the Lord for Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos where Pastor Sergio ministers at. Pastor Sergio Matarrita is the host of the pastor’s fellowship that we have every Tuesday and Friday and he is willing to help us in every way possible with our ministry once we start.   Pastor Sergio has been a blessing to us during these trying times.
  • Praise the Lord for the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship, supporting and praying for us as well during this time.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, reach for Christ.

April 2021 Prayer Letter

April 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the restrictions for the month of April has been changed to what it was before during this time last year, LOCKDOWN; everything is close except for government offices, hospitals, pharmacies, supermarkets, banks until further notice from the Ministry of Health. We can’t go out on Sundays and Mondays due to our license plates and the restriction is now from 7:00PM through 7:00AM for the whole country. Even though we can’t go out on Sundays, we have a formal letter from Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos, Pastor Sergio Matarrita that we can because I am one of the Pastors of the church, once the restrictions are lifted.   

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtuallyvia Live Stream Facebook. Pray about the connection because every time we start the broadcast within 5 minutes it cuts us off and we have a hard time continuing, it can be very frustrating.
  2. Our health in order to work in His vineyard.  
  3. Place for the ministry – Now that we have our residence, we are concentrating on the ministry. We started checking on the procedures required on the place for the ministry. The owner of the locale has approved the usage as a church. We have submitted an application to the Building Department and it has been approved for the Land Usage; now we are in the process of submitting an application to the Department of Health for their review and approval in order to get a permit of functionality (they are very demanding and stringent).  Before submitting the application to them, there is a lot to do such as: the Corps of Firemen has to inspect and approved that the space is up to code; CFIA (Federal College of Engineers and Architects), we have to have a local architect involved because they have to put their stamp on the drawings even though I did them but it’s not legal. Once we have all that done, then we can submit all these documents to the Ministry of Health. The owner has agreed to keep the rent as it was before for a three year lease then they will raise it by 5%. We are ready to start but we are concerned about the lack of support but we trust in the Lord that He will provide,He send us here and we know He will. Before we start the ministry, there will be other cost involved such as: 1 month of rent and security in advance ($2,110.00), COVID – 19 cost (we have to abide to all regulations and restrictions), Corporation fees, Department of Health, Department of Buildings & Permits, Lawyers, Taxes, Furniture (50 chairs for sanctuary, 2 chairs & 2 side tables for guest, 3 tables, pulpit, 1 office desk, 1 office chair, 2 shelves), 3 Flags (Christian, CR & USA),  Outside Signs and 2 Banners, Audio Equipment, movable Screen and some renovation cost such as AC/ Unit, Toilets which the owner will not do (we are trying to negotiate with him). We are putting together an estimate of these items, some we have paid for already such as the Department of Building and Health.  We are trusting in the Lord for His provision.

      God knows the desire of our hearts and the passion that lies deep within our souls to serve Him where He has sent us. Thank you for everyone who stood with us previously.

4. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 245,601 cases with 3,202 deaths.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions. But now with the tremendous increase of cases, the Ministry of Health is contemplating in closing all places of assemblies again.

Support Level        

Our support is still down at 84% due to COVID – 19. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry.  

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord for the progress we are making regarding the Ministry with the Department of Buildings and Health, as well with the owner of the complex.
  2. Praise the Lord that the owner of the locale will allow us to use the place for a church.
  3. Praise the Lord that He has opened the door for us at Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos where we are being used in a great way while we are preparing to start our ministry. Pastor Sergio Matarrita is the host of the pastor’s fellowship that we have every Tuesday and Friday and he is willing to help us in every way possible with our ministry once we start.    
  4. Praise the Lord for two more people that accepted the Lord as their Savior, their names are Walter and Anthony; they are workers that have been coming to our house to do some work. They are also anxious to come to our services once we start.
  5. Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Livestream Facebook, even though we have problems with the connection. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and some are faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  6. Praise the Lord for all the people that He is putting in our way, many are eager to come to the services once we start. A gentleman named Carlos said to me and I quote: “Amen pastor, muchas gracias por sus palabras, acá tiene un fiel servidor y espero verlo muy pronto en su templo, estoy para servirle”. Translation: “Amen pastor, thank you much for your words, you have here a faithful servant and I hope to see you very soon at the temple, I am here to serve”.  
  7. Praise the Lord for the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship. I had the privilege to speak again to the pastors this month.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, reach for Christ.

March 2021 – Prayer Letter

March 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of March has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis. The Ministry of Health has lifted up the restrictions for the month of April as well allowing us go out every day until 11:00PM, but the restrictions still remain from 11:00PM through 5:00AM for the whole country; as well as for public assemblies to a maximum of 50% which includes churches.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtually via Live Stream Facebook.
  • Immigration – Thank you to everyone who have prayed for us. Praise the Lord, we have been granted our temporary residence under the Religious visa category for two years and renewable thereafter for the same. Now, we have up to 90 days to pay all the fees that are required to Immigration and CCSS which means Caja Costarricence de Seguro Social which is the equivalent to Social Security and Medicare system in the USA, everyone who becomes eligible for residency has to pay into the system. These fees are substantially high, for Immigration we have to pay $920.00 dollars for both of us and for CCSS we have to pay a monthly fee of $44.00 for both of us which is the lowest fee. Once we pay these fees, we will receive from Immigration a DIMEX card for foreigners which is equivalent to a resident card in the USA. Once we have our DIMEX card, we cannot leave the country for no more than 6 months and if we do, our residence will be nulled. My beloved brethren, please pray for us for the Lord to meet this necessary need within that period of time, if not our application will be cancelled, voided and we have to start all over again and perhaps leave the country.
  • Our health in order to work in His vineyard.
  • Place for the ministry – Now that we have our residence, we can concentrate on the ministry. A couple weeks ago we went by to check on the availability of the place fortunately it was still available. Now that we have been granted our residency; we can start checking on the procedures required on the place for the ministry. The first thing, is the location zoned for a church and if it is not, we have to look somewhere else but we pray that it will be. We also pray that the rent will be the same at $1,055.00 per month, (13% fees included), but that does not include utilities and internet; but we have one obstacle in our way, we are not at 100% of our support in order to pay for the ministry.  We are very anxious and ready to start but we are concerned about the lack of support but we trust in the Lord that He will provide, He send us here and we know He will.  Before we start the ministry, there will be other cost involved such as: 1 month of rent and security in advance ($2,110.00), COVID – 19 cost (we have to abide to all regulations and restrictions), Corporation fees, Department of Health, Department of Building & Permits, Lawyers, Taxes, Furniture (50 chairs for sanctuary, 2 chairs & 2 side tables for guest, 3 tables, pulpit, 1 office desk, 1 office chair, 2 shelves), 3 Flags (Christian, CR & USA),  Signs, Audio Equipment, movable Screen and some renovation cost such as AC/ Unit, Toilets, etc. etc. Now, we have no idea what these fees and cost are yet.  We are trusting in the Lord for His provision, He is in control and knows everything.

       He knows the desire of our hearts and the passion that lies deep within our souls to serve Him where He has sent us. Thank you for everyone who stood with us previously.

5.    Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 215,178 cases with 2,931 deaths.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions. We are able to attend church services on Sunday morning, where we have been attending or sometimes I am invited to preach at other churches which is a blessing. Sunday evening services are still virtual but praise the Lord we have our services as well at 2:00PM virtually and Bibles studies on Fridays at 7:00PM.

Support Level        

Our support is still down at 84% due to COVID – 19. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry.  

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord for our temporary residence approval.
  • Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Livestream Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and some are faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  • Praise the Lord for the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship.
  • Praise the Lord I had the opportunity and privilege to speak again at Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos, Pastor Sergio Matarrita for their 34 years Anniversary in the ministry.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, reach for Christ.

February 2021 Prayer letter

February 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of February has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we were still in lockdown. The Ministry of Health has lifted up the restrictions for the month of March allowing us go out every day until 11:00PM, but the restrictions still remain from 11:00PM through 5:00AM for the whole country; as well as for public assemblies to a maximum of 50% which includes churches.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtuallyvia Live Stream Facebook.
  2. Immigration – We have submitted the documents requested to them, we are still waiting and praying for their approval and whatever the next steps are, hopefully in March sometime.   
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard.
  4. Place for the ministry – Every now and then we drive by the location and it is still available, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry, but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control and knows the desire of our hearts (Psalms 37:4, 5). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time also with this pandemic crisis.

5.    Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 204,000 cases with 2,800 deaths.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% go ahead to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the new allowable occupancy is now at 50%. Now with the new restriction, we will be able to attend church services on Sundays, only in the morning, where we have been attending, evening services are still virtual;but praise the Lord we have our services as well at 2:00PM virtually and Bibles studies on Fridays at 7:00PM.

Support Level        

Our support has gone down due to the COVID – 19 situation; it is about 84% now. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up once this crisis subsides.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances.


  1. Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Livestream Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and some are faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  2. We are still involved with great enthusiasm, both of us, with the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship, I had the privilege to speak to the national pastors again this month.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud Under His Wings Reaching the World for His

January 2021 – Prayer Letter

January 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

We trust and pray that everyone had a blessed and joyful New Year.  We pray that this New Year 2021 will be a blessing as well.

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of January has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown. The Ministry of Health has kept the same restrictions for the month of February as it was in January, we cannot go out on Mondays and Sundays due to our license plate; Tuesdays through Saturdays we can go out from 5:00AM to 8:00PM until further orders.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtuallyvia Live Stream Facebook. Pray for the people that enters the platform because some of them may not be saved. Some have said: “Thank you for your prayers and your teaching of the Word in a systematic way”. That is an encouragement to me!
  2.  Immigration – We have submitted the documents requested to them, now we have to wait and pray for their approval and whatever the next steps are, it could take about 90 days to get an answer, hopefully by March.   
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard.
  4. Place for the ministry – We drove by the other day and it is still available, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry, but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control and knows the desire of our hearts (Psalms 37:4, 5). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time also with this pandemic crisis.

5.    Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 193,276 cases with 2,204 deaths.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full go ahead to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, maintaining the previous restrictions at 25% occupancy; since we can’t go out on Sundays, we will not be able to attend physically but praise the Lord we have our services as well at 2:00PM virtually.

Support Level        

Our support has gone down due to the COVID – 19 situation; it is about 84% now. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up once this crisis subsides.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances.


  1. Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Livestream Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and some are faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  2. We are still involved with great enthusiasm, both of us, with the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship, I had the privilege to speak to the national pastors again this month; as well as with the church at Bible Baptist Church Hatillo 2 with Pastor Ricardo Valverde.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

December 2020 – Prayer Letter

December 2020 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

We trust and pray that everyone had a blessed Christmas receiving and giving gifts but most of all thanking God for His Son Jesus Christ giving us the precious gift of Salvation, eternal life. We thank everyone for their thoughts and gifts. We pray that the New Year 2021 will be a blessing as well.

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of December has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown. The Ministry of Health has issued new restrictions starting December 31st through January 31st, 2021; we cannot go out on Mondays and Sundays due to our license plate; Tuesdays through Saturdays we can go out from 5:00AM to 8:00PM until further orders.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtuallyvia Live Stream Facebook. Pray for the people that enters the platform because some of them may not be saved. Some have said: “Thank you for your prayers and your teaching of the Word in a systematic way”. That is an encouragement to me!
  2.  Immigration – We have submitted the other two documents requested to them, now we have to wait and pray for their approval and whatever the next steps are, it could take about 90 days to get an answer.  
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard.
  4. Place for the ministry, it is still available, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry, but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control and knows the desire of our hearts (Psalms 37:4, 5). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time also with this pandemic crisis.
  5. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 166,799 cases with 2,156 deaths.
  6. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full go ahead to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases. Some Churches have started to congregate, now with the new restrictions at 25% occupancy; since we can’t go out on Sundays, we will not be able to attend physically but praise the Lord we have our services as well at 2:00PM virtually.
  7. The airports are fully open and functioning but under strict restriction.

Support Level        

Our support has gone down due to the COVID – 19 situation; it is about 84% now. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up once this crisis subsides.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us not on our circumstances.


  1. Praise the Lord, my wife led a lady to the Lord on Thursday the 17th, her name is Gisela. Pray for my wife as she disciples her. She is eager to come to our services once we start physically.
  2. Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Livestream Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and some are faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  3. We are still involved with great enthusiasm, both of us, with the ladies and the pastor’s fellowshipand also with the church at Bible Baptist Church Hatillo 2 with Pastor Ricardo Valverde.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!