March 2021 – Prayer Letter

March 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of March has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis. The Ministry of Health has lifted up the restrictions for the month of April as well allowing us go out every day until 11:00PM, but the restrictions still remain from 11:00PM through 5:00AM for the whole country; as well as for public assemblies to a maximum of 50% which includes churches.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtually via Live Stream Facebook.
  • Immigration – Thank you to everyone who have prayed for us. Praise the Lord, we have been granted our temporary residence under the Religious visa category for two years and renewable thereafter for the same. Now, we have up to 90 days to pay all the fees that are required to Immigration and CCSS which means Caja Costarricence de Seguro Social which is the equivalent to Social Security and Medicare system in the USA, everyone who becomes eligible for residency has to pay into the system. These fees are substantially high, for Immigration we have to pay $920.00 dollars for both of us and for CCSS we have to pay a monthly fee of $44.00 for both of us which is the lowest fee. Once we pay these fees, we will receive from Immigration a DIMEX card for foreigners which is equivalent to a resident card in the USA. Once we have our DIMEX card, we cannot leave the country for no more than 6 months and if we do, our residence will be nulled. My beloved brethren, please pray for us for the Lord to meet this necessary need within that period of time, if not our application will be cancelled, voided and we have to start all over again and perhaps leave the country.
  • Our health in order to work in His vineyard.
  • Place for the ministry – Now that we have our residence, we can concentrate on the ministry. A couple weeks ago we went by to check on the availability of the place fortunately it was still available. Now that we have been granted our residency; we can start checking on the procedures required on the place for the ministry. The first thing, is the location zoned for a church and if it is not, we have to look somewhere else but we pray that it will be. We also pray that the rent will be the same at $1,055.00 per month, (13% fees included), but that does not include utilities and internet; but we have one obstacle in our way, we are not at 100% of our support in order to pay for the ministry.  We are very anxious and ready to start but we are concerned about the lack of support but we trust in the Lord that He will provide, He send us here and we know He will.  Before we start the ministry, there will be other cost involved such as: 1 month of rent and security in advance ($2,110.00), COVID – 19 cost (we have to abide to all regulations and restrictions), Corporation fees, Department of Health, Department of Building & Permits, Lawyers, Taxes, Furniture (50 chairs for sanctuary, 2 chairs & 2 side tables for guest, 3 tables, pulpit, 1 office desk, 1 office chair, 2 shelves), 3 Flags (Christian, CR & USA),  Signs, Audio Equipment, movable Screen and some renovation cost such as AC/ Unit, Toilets, etc. etc. Now, we have no idea what these fees and cost are yet.  We are trusting in the Lord for His provision, He is in control and knows everything.

       He knows the desire of our hearts and the passion that lies deep within our souls to serve Him where He has sent us. Thank you for everyone who stood with us previously.

5.    Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 215,178 cases with 2,931 deaths.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions. We are able to attend church services on Sunday morning, where we have been attending or sometimes I am invited to preach at other churches which is a blessing. Sunday evening services are still virtual but praise the Lord we have our services as well at 2:00PM virtually and Bibles studies on Fridays at 7:00PM.

Support Level        

Our support is still down at 84% due to COVID – 19. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry.  

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord for our temporary residence approval.
  • Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Livestream Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and some are faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  • Praise the Lord for the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship.
  • Praise the Lord I had the opportunity and privilege to speak again at Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos, Pastor Sergio Matarrita for their 34 years Anniversary in the ministry.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, reach for Christ.

February 2021 Prayer letter

February 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of February has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we were still in lockdown. The Ministry of Health has lifted up the restrictions for the month of March allowing us go out every day until 11:00PM, but the restrictions still remain from 11:00PM through 5:00AM for the whole country; as well as for public assemblies to a maximum of 50% which includes churches.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtuallyvia Live Stream Facebook.
  2. Immigration – We have submitted the documents requested to them, we are still waiting and praying for their approval and whatever the next steps are, hopefully in March sometime.   
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard.
  4. Place for the ministry – Every now and then we drive by the location and it is still available, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry, but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control and knows the desire of our hearts (Psalms 37:4, 5). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time also with this pandemic crisis.

5.    Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 204,000 cases with 2,800 deaths.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% go ahead to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the new allowable occupancy is now at 50%. Now with the new restriction, we will be able to attend church services on Sundays, only in the morning, where we have been attending, evening services are still virtual;but praise the Lord we have our services as well at 2:00PM virtually and Bibles studies on Fridays at 7:00PM.

Support Level        

Our support has gone down due to the COVID – 19 situation; it is about 84% now. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up once this crisis subsides.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances.


  1. Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Livestream Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and some are faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  2. We are still involved with great enthusiasm, both of us, with the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship, I had the privilege to speak to the national pastors again this month.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud Under His Wings Reaching the World for His

January 2021 – Prayer Letter

January 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

We trust and pray that everyone had a blessed and joyful New Year.  We pray that this New Year 2021 will be a blessing as well.

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of January has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown. The Ministry of Health has kept the same restrictions for the month of February as it was in January, we cannot go out on Mondays and Sundays due to our license plate; Tuesdays through Saturdays we can go out from 5:00AM to 8:00PM until further orders.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtuallyvia Live Stream Facebook. Pray for the people that enters the platform because some of them may not be saved. Some have said: “Thank you for your prayers and your teaching of the Word in a systematic way”. That is an encouragement to me!
  2.  Immigration – We have submitted the documents requested to them, now we have to wait and pray for their approval and whatever the next steps are, it could take about 90 days to get an answer, hopefully by March.   
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard.
  4. Place for the ministry – We drove by the other day and it is still available, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry, but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control and knows the desire of our hearts (Psalms 37:4, 5). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time also with this pandemic crisis.

5.    Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 193,276 cases with 2,204 deaths.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full go ahead to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, maintaining the previous restrictions at 25% occupancy; since we can’t go out on Sundays, we will not be able to attend physically but praise the Lord we have our services as well at 2:00PM virtually.

Support Level        

Our support has gone down due to the COVID – 19 situation; it is about 84% now. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up once this crisis subsides.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances.


  1. Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Livestream Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and some are faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  2. We are still involved with great enthusiasm, both of us, with the ladies and the pastor’s fellowship, I had the privilege to speak to the national pastors again this month; as well as with the church at Bible Baptist Church Hatillo 2 with Pastor Ricardo Valverde.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

December 2020 – Prayer Letter

December 2020 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

We trust and pray that everyone had a blessed Christmas receiving and giving gifts but most of all thanking God for His Son Jesus Christ giving us the precious gift of Salvation, eternal life. We thank everyone for their thoughts and gifts. We pray that the New Year 2021 will be a blessing as well.

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of December has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown. The Ministry of Health has issued new restrictions starting December 31st through January 31st, 2021; we cannot go out on Mondays and Sundays due to our license plate; Tuesdays through Saturdays we can go out from 5:00AM to 8:00PM until further orders.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtuallyvia Live Stream Facebook. Pray for the people that enters the platform because some of them may not be saved. Some have said: “Thank you for your prayers and your teaching of the Word in a systematic way”. That is an encouragement to me!
  2.  Immigration – We have submitted the other two documents requested to them, now we have to wait and pray for their approval and whatever the next steps are, it could take about 90 days to get an answer.  
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard.
  4. Place for the ministry, it is still available, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry, but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control and knows the desire of our hearts (Psalms 37:4, 5). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time also with this pandemic crisis.
  5. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 166,799 cases with 2,156 deaths.
  6. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full go ahead to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases. Some Churches have started to congregate, now with the new restrictions at 25% occupancy; since we can’t go out on Sundays, we will not be able to attend physically but praise the Lord we have our services as well at 2:00PM virtually.
  7. The airports are fully open and functioning but under strict restriction.

Support Level        

Our support has gone down due to the COVID – 19 situation; it is about 84% now. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up once this crisis subsides.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us not on our circumstances.


  1. Praise the Lord, my wife led a lady to the Lord on Thursday the 17th, her name is Gisela. Pray for my wife as she disciples her. She is eager to come to our services once we start physically.
  2. Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Livestream Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and some are faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  3. We are still involved with great enthusiasm, both of us, with the ladies and the pastor’s fellowshipand also with the church at Bible Baptist Church Hatillo 2 with Pastor Ricardo Valverde.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

November 2020 – Prayer Letter

November 2020 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

We are sending you a cordial greeting and praying that you are all well, forever strengthen in Christ, trusting in His promises

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. Thank you to all for sending Christmas gifts, it was much needed at this time. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of November has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown, only on Mondays from 5:00AM to 8:00PM, we cannot go out, with the ongoing restrictions, until further notice from the Ministry of Health.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for our Bible Studies on Fridays and Preaching on Sundays virtually (physically it is not possible yet) via Live Stream Facebook. Pray for the people that enters the platform because some of them may not be saved.  
  2.  We are making progress with Immigration, we still need to submit to them. (1) Document to the Ministry of Exterior Relations and Churches; (2) our Federal Criminal Background Check which they never asked for before.
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. The Lord has been good with us. Protection from the COVID – 19. It is difficult to go out and evangelize due to this pandemic crisis but we do it when we have a chance to. Praise the Lord for that!
  4. Place for the ministry, it is still available, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control (Psalms 27:14). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time as well with this pandemic crisis.
  5. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 139,638 cases with 1,726 deaths.
  6. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full go ahead to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases, but some churches started to congregate at 50% occupancy, depending on the area where you are whether green or yellow alert; if you are in orange alert, like we are, you can’t open.
  7. The airports are fully open, in San Jose and Liberia.  Al States from the US could fly in, but under strict restriction.
  8. Pray about the Post office and Customs situation here, we can receive mails now but it is very slow and backed up. The best way in order to receive something quickly is with FedEx or DHL.

Support Level        

Our support is going down due to the COVID – 19 situation; it is about 84% now. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up once this crisis subsides.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet while we are in Costa Rica because we need some.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us not on our circumstances.


  1. Praise the Lord for the Bible Studies and the Preaching services that we have virtually via Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and many followers not just in Costa Rica but also in the States like Georgia, New Jersey, Virginia; as well as Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia and Cuba. We have some faithful followers especially in Costa Rica.  It is truly a blessing!
  2. We are still involved with great enthusiasm, both of us, with the ladies and men’s fellowship (I speak at least once a month and sometimes more) and also with the church at Bible Baptist Church Hatillo 2 with Pastor Ricardo Valverde.
  3. Praise the Lord that some pastors are inviting me to preach to their congregations, we have a meeting scheduled for the 13th of December with Bible Baptist Church in Calle Blancos, Pastor Sergio Mataritta.  

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

October 2020 – Prayer Letter

October 2020 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

We are sending you a cordial greeting and praying that you are all well, forever strengthen in Christ, trusting in His promises

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of October has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown, not as strict as before because we are allowed to go out 6 days during the week from 5:00AM to 8:00PM depending on your license plate with the ongoing restrictions,until further notice from the Ministry of Health.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. October 9, we started the Bible Study and preaching virtually (physically it is not possible yet) via Live Stream Facebook. Pray for the people that enters the platform because some of them may not be saved.  
  2.  We finally spoke to Immigration on the 30th October. We have to submit more items to them. (1) 2 Documents that pertains to the national pastor who is inviting us; (2) We have to elaborate in details on why we are seeking the residence; (3) They want now our Federal Criminal Background Check which they never asked for before.
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. The Lord has been good with us. Protection from the COVID – 19. It is difficult to go out and evangelize due to this pandemic crisis but we do it when we have a chance to. Praise the Lord for that!
  4. Place for the ministry, it is still available, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control (Psalms 27:14). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time as well with this pandemic crisis.
  5. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 110,000 cases with 1,385 deaths.
  6. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full go ahead to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases, but some churches started to congregate as we mentioned in our previous letter, depending on the area where you are whether green or yellow alert at 50% capacity; if you are in orange alert, like we are, you can’t open.
  7. The airport will be fully open on November 1st, only American and United Airlines can fly in twice a day.  Some other States have been added to the list like Texas, Georgia and Florida that could fly in, but under strict restriction.
  8. Pray about the Post office and Customs situation here, we can’t receive mails and we don’t know when it will resume. This is a big problem.

Support Level        

Our support is still at 90%.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19. Now with these frequent earthquakes.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet while we are in Costa Rica.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us.


  1. Praise the Lord for the Bible Study on Friday evening at 7:00PM and the Preaching service on Sunday at 2:00PM that we have virtually via Facebook. The Lord is truly blessing us, we are having great responses and many followers not just in Costa Rica but also in New Jersey, Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia. So far, I believe we have about 300 followers perhaps more.  It is truly a blessing!
  2. We are still involved with great enthusiasm, both of us, with the ladies and men’s fellowship and also with the church at Bible Baptist Church Hatillo 2 with Pastor Ricardo Valverde.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

September 2020 – Prayer Letter

September 2020 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

We are sending you a cordial greeting and praying that you are all well, forever strengthen in Christ, trusting in His promises

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times. We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of September has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown, not as strict as before because we are allowed to go out 5 days during the week from 5:00AM to 8:00PM depending on your license plate with the ongoing restrictions, until further notice from the Ministry of Health.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. We had another earthquake earlier this this month, not as bad as the other one but strong enough to be felt.
  2. We are still praying about starting a bible study and reaching people virtually (physically it is not possible yet) via Facebook and Zoom, now that we have many contacts and for the Lord’s for direction as we are preparing for it. Fridays at 7:00PM and Sundays at 2:00PM Costa Rica time. Lord willing we would like to start sometime in October.
  3. We went to Immigration on the 30th September, they told us to call on the 14th of October for appointment. Everything is by appointment now. You can’t just walk in like before.
  4. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. The Lord has been good with us. Protection from the COVID – 19. It is difficult to go out and evangelize due to this pandemic crisis but we do it when we have a chance to. Praise the Lord for that!
  5. Place for the ministry, it is still available, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control (Psalms 27:14). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time as well with this pandemic crisis.
  6. Pray about the COVID – 19, It is getting worse each day and has surpassed 75,000 cases with 880 deaths.
  7. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full go ahead to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases, but some churches started to congregate, depending on the area where you are whether green or yellow alert at 50% capacity; if you are in orange alert, like we are, you can’t open.
  8. Pray about the total reopening of airports, only some States in the United States are allowed to come under strict restrictions.
  9. Pray about the Post office and Customs situation here, we can’t receive mails and we don’t know when it will resume.

Support Level        

Our support is still at 90%.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19. Now with these frequent earthquakes.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet while we are in Costa Rica.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us.


  1. Praise the Lord that my wife is being used greatly in the group she is involved with, many women are asking her to pray for them on a daily basis. That is truly a blessing on how the Lord is using my wife for His glory as we see prayers being answered.
  2. Praise the Lord , I had the privilege to speak two times this month to the pastors, we have a good group as we meet every Tuesdays and Fridays early in the morning.   It is truly a blessing. Pastors are being encouraged. Also, one of the pastor’s (Pr. Sergio Matarrita – Iglesia Bautista Calle Blancos) asked me to preach via Zoom last Sunday, it was a blessing. Also, I have a tentative conference, via Zoom as well, to speak to all the Independent Baptist Spanish Churches in Central, South and North America in October sometime. Please pray about this conference.
  3. Praise the Lord we also meet each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening for Bible Study and prayer meeting with the church that we are involved with, as well as on Sunday morning and evening for preaching. The Lord is also using me during that time.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

August 2020 – Prayer Letter

August 2020 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

We are sending you a cordial greeting and praying that you are all well, forever strengthen in Christ, trusting in His promises.

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  Praise the Lord, we are where the Lord wants us to be. We know it is God’s plan for us to be here, getting all documents in order just before this pandemic; we have seen God’s hands. We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness. As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of August has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown until further notice from the Ministry of Health. Now, it is obligatory in using masks in all public spaces, if not we will be fined.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. We had two earthquakes during this month which was felt in all Costa Rica, but the one on August 24 was substantially big at 3:52PM with a magnitude of 6.2 on the Richter scale with a depth of 27.2Km, the epicenter was about 1.5 hours away from where we live towards the pacific.
  2. We have been praying for a while about starting a bible study and reaching people virtually via Facebook and Zoom now that we have many contacts and for the Lords for direction.
  3. We are still waiting for the application to be approved by Immigration, it is still in the process. Immigration is supposed to be opened the end of September but only God knows with this pandemic.
  4. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. The Lord has been good with us. Protection from the COVID – 19. It is difficult to go out and evangelize due to this pandemic crisis but we do it when we have a chance to. Praise the Lord for that!
  5. Place for the ministry, continue praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control (Psalms 27:14). We believe that the Lord is holding that place for us, giving us time as well with pandemic crisis.
  6. We need a miracle for our support to be at 100%. as we are preparing to start the ministry
  7. Pray about the COVID – 19, It has gotten worse and has surpassed 40,000 cases with 418 deaths. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has pushed back the date again and has not given a new date to go ahead and start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.  In general, we are seeing a bit a light at the end of the tunnel because in September the Ministry of Health will permit us to circulate more frequently even though we are still in restrictions.
  8. Pray about the total reopening of airports, only United Airlines and some States in the United States are allowed to come; planes from Europe, United Kingdom and Canada are allowed.

Support Level        

Our support is still at 90%.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19. Now with these frequent earthquakes.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet while we are in Costa Rica.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us.


  1. Praise the Lord for His provision, protection and care that He has for us as we do His will.
  2. Praise the Lord for the group that we are involved in for pastors, their wives as we meet every Tuesday and Friday. We get a chance to speak every now and then. It is truly a blessing to get to know pastors and their wives in the area.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

July 2020 – Prayer Letter

July 2020 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

Greetings and peace and love in the name of our eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission, His mission that He has initiated when He came on this earth and now it is our mission to continue; speaking to our hearts, answering the call that He has called us for and accepted the mission that is ahead of us to do His work according to His ways and will. We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  Praise the Lord, we are where the Lord wants us to be; as there are still obstacles to go over.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of July has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown until further notice from the Ministry of Health.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. We are still waiting for the application to be approved by Immigration, it is still in the process. Immigration was supposed to be opened on July 18, 2020, unfortunately it is still close until further notice by the Ministry of Health; we have no idea when it will be open, from what I a hearing it could be as late as the end of September but only God knows.
  2. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. The Lord has been good with us. Protection from the COVID – 19.
  3. Place for the ministry, we have a location in mind; we are sending pictures of the place with this letter and a video via Face Book in this link praying for its availability. We are very anxious to start the ministry but we have to wait on the Lord, He is in control (Psalms 27:14).

4.   As we wait, we truly need a miracle for our support to be at 100%; we fervently pray for this to happen. God is able, with Him nothing is impossible. We need this miracle as we are preparing to start the ministry. We pray and humbly plead for your help and what He will have you to do according to His will. All donations and funds should be sent to Macedonia World Baptist Missions (MWBM) under SHIPPING – TRAVEL ACCOUNT. 

  • Pray about the COVID – 19; It has gotten worse and has surpassed 18,000 cases, it is a lot for a small country; many areas have been infected with 133 deaths now, including many people at Immigration and other government offices.
  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has pushed back the date again and has not given a new date to go ahead and start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.
  • Pray about the country to open the airports; the proposed date is August 1 but as of now no one from the USA is allowed only from Europe, United Kingdom and Canada.

Support Level        

Our support is still at 90%.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet while we are in Costa Rica.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us.


  1. Praise the Lord for the pastor’s fellowship we have every Tuesdays and Fridays; it is truly a blessing, I am getting to know many national pastors and the Lord is using me in many ways for His glory.

Thank you, as always, for your kindness, compassion and love, but most of all for your sensibility to the Holy Spirit of God who dwells in you. We are deeply grateful for your continued prayers, financial support and being behind our vision to further the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

June 2020 – Prayer Letter

June 2020 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren,

Greetings and peace and love in the name of our eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission, His mission that He has initiated when He came on this earth and now it is our mission to continue; speaking to our hearts, answering the call that He has called us for and accepted the mission that is ahead of us to do His work according to His ways and will. We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness and to be obedient and faithful until the end.  Praise the Lord, we are where the Lord wants us to be; as there are still obstacles to go over.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the month of June has been a continuing experience still dealing with the COVID – 19 crisis as we are still in lockdown until further notice from the Ministry of Health.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. We are still waiting for the application to be approved by Immigration, it is still in the process; as we have mentioned in our last prayer letter, Immigration supposedly should be open on July 18, 2020 due to the COVID – 19) crisis, but again it could change.

2.    Our health in order to work in His vineyard. The Lord has been good with us. Protection from the COVID – 19.

3. Place for the ministry, we have a location in mind; we are going to send a video and pictures of the place via Face Book as soon as possible, at the moment we can’t go there, as of now the place is still available.  Continue praying that it will still be available after we receive word from Immigration and the Ministry of Health, hopefully soon. We are very anxious to start the ministry (Psalms 27:14).

4.   We need a miracle for our support to be at 100%; we fervently pray for this to happen. God is able, with Him nothing is impossible. We need this miracle as we are preparing to start the ministry. We pray and humbly plead for your help and what He will have you to do according to His will. Regarding the extra funds needed per our Mid-September 2019 Prayer Letter, for our passage, which is $18,280.00, we have received up to date $9,234.00. All donations and funds should be sent to Macedonia World Baptist Missions (MWBM) under SHIPPING – TRAVEL ACCOUNT. 

5. Pray about the COVID – 19; It is getting worse and has surpassed 3, 000 cases, it is a lot for a small country; many areas have been infected with 15 deaths now, including many people at Immigration and other government offices.

6. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has pushed back the date which was June 21 and has not given a new date to go ahead and start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.

Support Level        

Our support is still at 90%.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet while we are in Costa Rica.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us.


  1. Praise the Lord we do not have to leave the country as some others do. We just have to wait and pray that everything will be confirmed regarding the residency for the next two years.
  2. Praise the Lord that my wife is part of a women’s group called Servants of God for Pastor’s wives, not for just Costa Rica but in the whole world.

Thank you, as always, for your kindness, compassion and love, but most of all for your sensibility to the Holy Spirit of God who dwells in you. We are deeply grateful for your continued prayers, financial support and being behind our vision to further the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!