Category Archives: Prayer Letters

September 2022 – Prayer Letter

September 2022 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


1. Continue praying as we are starting to renew our residency for the next two years, we have until March 23, 2023 to gather and submit all information to Immigration.

2. We ran out of the booklet (Spanish version) that I wrote and titled Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms. We will be printing, soon, a revised copy so we can keep distributing them in Costa Rica. Praise the Lord, this booklet has been a great blessing to many.That booklet is an excellent tool for evangelizing, not just to edify the body of Christ but also to evangelize to the lost world.

3. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard. Continue praying for my wife regarding the toe she broke on her right foot. We saw the doctor and according to him she is making good progress and she should be fine for our coming trip to the States.  

4. Place for the ministry – Continue praying with us as we have started to congregate in that new church in Santa Ana as the Lord guides and His will. But in the meantime, we are still looking at properties where we can have a church building of our own, this is truly our deepest desire according to the Lord’s will.        

5. Special prayer request – (1) We are going to meet with the owner of a potential property for our church building in Rio Oro, Santa Ana. The property possibly could be subdivided in parcels of land, but we need to speak with the owner to see if that is possible. The property us about 464.23 square meters (4,996.93 sq. feet) with an existing building on it. See the enclosed Pdf file below for picture of aerial view of the property and pictures of property.

Looking East at another property
Looking West at Entrance to property
Looking South East
Looking at existing building – South West
Looking at property – South West
Looking South East
Looking South
Covered Building – Looking West
Looking South West
Looking West
Covered Area looking East
Covered area looking North
Looking at Entrance – West

Covered area looking South East
Toilet areas
Around the property
Around the property
Around the property
Around the property

As you can see in the pictures, there are no walls in that existing building, only a roof; this is something that needs to be done (for security reason), also finish the interior according to the code and get a permit from the Ministry of Health. Also we need to make sure that it is zone for a church building with the Municipality of Santa Ana and If it is, then we can approach the owner to come to some kind of agreement on how to get all this done.   

(2) As we mentioned in our last prayer letter, In order to have a sign up for the church, we must have the church registered; and for us to register the church and form an Association, we must have a minimum of ten members, the pastor and pastor’s wife can be members; in the meantime we keep plugging along and once we have enough people (with membership) we can file for an Association and start a formal and organized church.  

Support Level        

      Our support has dropped to 78%. We are praying and trusting in the Lord that it will go up soon; even though we are very eager to start, and have been, but the Lord knows what He is doing. We are patiently waiting on Him and it is hard to do sometime.  

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19 situations which still lingers here in Costa Rica, but has diminished substantially. Pray for our safety because we go places sometimes to spread the word that are very dangerous and we can get robbed and even be killed because it has happened before to other people.  

Schedule of Meetings

We are planning to be in the States from October 18 through December 7, 2022. We have a busy agenda, not full, we will be mostly be in SC, GA and a couple of churches in VA.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the Ladies and Men’s Conference we had on September 23, 24 & 25 at Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos & Concepcion, Alajuelita. Pictures and videos were posted on our Facebook page.
  3. Praise the Lord for the Sendas Antiguas Conference we had at Bible Baptist Church Concepción, Alajuelita, Pastor Carlos Leitón, from September 19 through 22. Pictures and videos were posted on our Facebook page.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

August 2022 – Prayer Letter

August 2022 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

We want to start with a word of praise. This has been an answer to much prayer as we waited on the LORD patiently (Psalm 27:14 – “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thy heart: wait, I say on the LORD.”)  The Lord knows our hearts and desires, He also knows our loyalty and faithfulness in the midst of difficulties.  The Lord has provided for us a place to meet in the existing church building that we mentioned in our last prayer letter which is in our district Santa Ana. We won’t have to drive one hour or more, each way (Sunday AM/PM & Wednesday PM), to the other Church in San Jose, Calle Blancos. The Lord knew of our needs when it came to the gasoline price which keeps going up (1,078 colon/liter now – $6.68/gal).  Our services will be on Sunday afternoon and Bible Study on Wednesday evening.  Before we can start our services formally, the pastor wants his congregation to get to know us, so we will be serving in that Church (Missionary Baptist Church Christ Lives) as well. Praise the LORD for His goodness, mercy and grace!

Apparently some churches and pastors are not receiving our monthly prayer letter. In the past we were having problems with Mailchimp, perhaps that was the reason why. I have checked and re-subscribed all churches on Mailchimp and as well on our website. When you read this letter, can you please send me an email confirming that you are receiving it or not; I will very much appreciate it. If not, please send me your latest email.          

As we press on, please pray and continue praying for the following prayer request:


  1.  Pray as we are starting to renew our residency for the next two years, we have until March 23, 2023 to gather and submit all information to Immigration.

2. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the Books of the Bible. As we are studying the book of James in our Bible study, I am revising the previous Commentary as I am teaching it. I have put on hold the 1st Epistle of John and the book of Judges.  We ran out of the booklet (Spanish version) that I wrote and titled Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms. We will be printing, soon, a revised copy so we can keep distributing them in Costa Rica. Praise the Lord, this booklet has been a great blessing to many. That booklet is an excellent tool for evangelizing, not just to edify the body of Christ but also to evangelize to the lost world.

3. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard. Pray for my wife as she broke one of her toes in her right foot while helping the pastor’s wife at the new church preparing and decorating the sanctuary for Mother’s Day which was August 14th in Costa Rica. According to the doctor she cannot put any pressure on that foot for one month before she goes back for a check- up.

4. Place for the ministry – Continue praying with us as we have started to congregate in that new church in Santa Ana before we formally start our services.        

5. Special prayer request – (1) In order to have a sign up for the church, we must have the church registered; and for us to register the church and form an Association, we must have a minimum of ten members, the pastor and pastor’s wife can be members; in the meantime we can have bible studies, once we have enough people (with membership) we can file for an Association and start a formal and organized church.  They complicate matters here in Costa Rica for everything and in everything (especially to strangers). We want to do things correctly and have a clean testimony. We are truly being tested! We have come thus far, with many past setbacks, but the Lord will not let us down; He is just and faithful with His promises as we continue in obedience and faithfulness serving Him.

(2) I met a man name Jan Kozak 2 years and 8 months ago when we first moved to Costa Rica, he was the one that showed us the house where we are living and he also knew that we were missionaries. After that I have never saw him again. Well, on August 14 which was Mother’s Day in Costa Rica, I took my wife to lunch after the morning service. When we were waiting to be seated, someone tapped me on my shoulder and that person was Jan Kozak. The first thing that he asked me was: “where is your church and can I come to visit? Of course I told him yes and gave him the address. I don’t think Jan is saved, so please pray for him and for the Lord to prepare his heart to receive the Word when he comes to visit.

(3) We need to start our ministry because we know a lot of people who want to come to our services, but we have to wait until we get the pastor’s authorization so we can use the building at a different time.

Support Level        

      Our support has dropped to 78%. We are praying and trusting in the Lord that it will go up soon; even though we are very eager to start, and have been, but the Lord knows what He is doing. We are patiently waiting on Him.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19 situations which still lingers here in Costa Rica, but has diminished substantially. Pray for our safety because we go places sometimes to spread the word that are very dangerous and we can get robbed and even be killed because it has happened before to other people.  

Schedule of Meetings

We are planning to be in the States from October 18 through December 7, 2022. We have a busy agenda, we will be mostly be in SC, GA and a couple of churches in VA.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the invitation that I receive this month to preach at the church where we are planning to meet. There is a lot of potential there. I sent the pictures in our last prayer latter.
  3. Praise the Lord that we don’t have to move from where we are, the new owner will allow us to stay. We have signed the new contract for the same price per month for the rent.
  4. Praise the Lord for answering prayers in regards to the extra printing of the Booklets. We are going to print more booklets so I can bring back to Costa Rica in the fall in order to distribute them.  

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for

July 2022 Prayer letter

July 2022 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we press on, please continue to pray for the following prayer request:


1. Continue praying with us as we have started a bible study each Friday in our community center; the Administration has given us the authorization but it is very cumbersome due to the security, people have to announced themselves to let them in.  We have been spreading the word and invited many. We are currently studying the book of James.

2. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the Books of the Bible. I am still working on the 1st Epistle of John, I am still in Chapter 3; at the same time, I am writing commentaries on Judges for the Men’s class at IBBCB and I am in Chapter 14 now. As I have mentioned, the Commentaries and Outlines can also be seen on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines, as well my preaching under Media/ Sermons in Spanish and Sermons Notes under Spanish Sermons, Notes and Outlines; as well as on Facebook under Jean-Claude and Matilde Guilbaud – missionaries to Costa Rica.  The booklet that I wrote and titled Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms are being distributed to everyone, to churches and pastors that we know in Costa Rica and the USA. Praise the Lord, it is a great blessing to many. That booklet is an excellent tool for evangelizing, not just to edify the body of Christ but also to evangelize to the lost world.

3. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard. As we have mentioned in our Last prayer letter, we have contacted COVID last month, we are slowly recuperating but with some secondary effects. Thank you for your continued prayers.

4. Place for the ministry – Continue praying regarding that piece of property that we have been looking at in our area that the Zoning will be suitable for a church building; we have met with the zoning official to discuss the property and/ or other options. It is a long process. Regarding this particular property, it is 6,400 m2/68,890 square feet for $120.00/m2, $11.09/SF in Santa Ana, Santa Ana and the owner is asking 764,000.00 Dollars. We are also looking at other properties in our area, one is 5,000 m2/53,730 square feet for 400,000.00 dollars, about $80.00 dollars/m2, $7.44/SF in Santa Ana, Ciudad Colon.  Everything is expensive in Costa Rica. We also have met with the Real Estate Agent regarding the new place, nothing yet. We are also praying about other options such as using an existing church building in our area, same denomination, like faith and doctrine but at a different time. See Below for pictures of properties.

5.   Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps increasing and as of now it’s at 989,213 cases with 8,670 deaths. It is not obligatory to use the mask anymore, only in places like hospitals, government offices and airports. 

 6.   Pray regarding the assembly of churches, Even though the restriction of mask has been lifted, precaution are still being taken. Now, that will make it a bit easier to start the ministry.

7.   Continue praying for the new president of Costa Rica and his cabinet as they make the right and godly decisions for the country.

8. Special prayer request – Many have asked for more copies of the booklet that I wrote in Spanish and English. We have established a Special Sub Account # 14/ BOOK with MWBM. All the previous booklets including Shipping & Handling came from my own pocket in order to distribute them. Please pray about what the Lord would like you to do, financially, so we can keep on distributing these books all around the world for the glory of God. Also, the Lord laid on my heart to write another book which I have started many years ago in the form of a Bible Study, now it is the time to put it in book format, the title is: “Recipe for a Healthy Church”, it will be approximately 300 pages long. Continue praying for me as I embarked on this journey.

Support Level        

Our support has dropped to 81%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we rent a place; even though we are very eager to start but the Lord knows what He is doing. We are patiently waiting on Him.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19 situations which still lingers here in Costa Rica, but has diminished substantially. Pray for our safety because we go places sometimes to spread the word that are very dangerous and we can get robbed and killed.  

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the new president, he has lifted the mask restrictions for the whole country except for people that work in Hospitals and Federal positions. Some stores still observes the restrictions.
  3. Praise the Lord for the invitations I had this month to preach at two other churches for their Mission Month, I was the guest speaker, it was truly a blessing. July 7 at Bible Baptist Church in Alajuelita, SJ and July 31 at Bible Baptist Church in Escazú, SJ.
  4. Praise the Lord that He has opened the doors for us to start the Bible study in our community.
  5. Praise the Lord for the eight baptism we had this month at IBBCB where we are serving in the meantime.
  6. Praise the Lord that we don’t have to move from where we are, the new owner will allow us to stay. We have not signed the new contract yet until the end of August. Pray that the new owner will not change his mind.
  7. Praise the Lord for answering prayers in regards to the extra printing of the Booklets.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

Existing Church Property in Santa Ana, Santa Ana

Property in Santa Ana, Santa Ana

Property in Santa Ana, Ciudad Colon

June 2022 – Prayer Letter

June 2022 – Prayer Letter   

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

During our meetings in the states, I mentioned that the Lord has taught me two things being on the mission field: “to be patient and wait”. Well, it has paid off when you patiently wait on God. The Lord has opened the doors for us to start a Bible study, in person, in our community center. 

As we press on, please continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Pray with us as we have started a bible study on Friday June 17th, 2022 (each Friday) in our community center; the Administration has given us the authorization. We have been spreading the word and invited many. But in the meantime, we are also and still involved with Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos until the Lord opens the doors for a place and as well reaching at other churches (we have two meetings during the month of July to speak about mission).

2. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the Books of the Bible. I am still working on the 1st Epistle of John, I am still in Chapter 3 verse 4; at the same time, I am writing commentaries on Judges for the Men’s class at IBBCB and I am in chapter 13. As I have mentioned, the Commentaries and Outlines can also be seen on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines, as well my preaching under Media/ Sermons in Spanish and Sermons Notes under Spanish Sermons, Notes and Outlines.   The booklet that I wrote and titled Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms are being distributed to everyone, to churches and pastors that we know in Costa Rica and the USA. Praise the Lord, it has been and is a great blessing to many.

3.  Our health in order to work in His vineyard. We have contacted COVID earlier this month, we are recuperating but with some secondary effects. Thank you for your continued prayer.

4.     Place for the ministry – Continue praying regarding that piece of property that we have been looking at in our area that the Zoning will be suitable for a church building; we have met with the zoning official to discuss the property and/ or other options. It is a long process. We also have met with the Real Estate Agent regarding the new place, nothing yet.

5.   Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing, not as much as before, and as of June 30th, it has surpassed 904,934 cases with 8,525 deaths. It is not obligatory to use the mask anymore, only in places like hospitals, government offices and airports.   

  6.   Pray regarding the assembly of churches, Even though the restriction of mask has been lifted, precaution are still being taken. Now, that will make it a bit easier to start the ministry.

7.    Pray for the new president of Costa Rica in order to make the right and godly decisions for the country.

8.    Pray for the country’s financial state, the cost of living has gone up tremendously; the cost of fuel is now at $7.94 per gallon/ 1,258.00 Colones per Litre, it may go higher during the next few weeks; cost of food has risen greatly (a gallon of milk is $4.29/2,576.00 Colones; a gallon of Tropicana orange juice is 7,995.00 Colones/$11.90 a gallon); many stores are also closing.

9. Special prayer request – Many have asked for more copies of the booklet that I wrote in Spanish and English. We have established a Special Sub Account # 14/ BOOK with MWBM. All the previous booklets including Shipping & Handling came from my own pocket in order to distribute them. Please pray about what the Lord would like you to do, financially, so we can keep on distributing these books all around the world for the glory of God. Also, the Lord laid on my heart to write another book which I have started many years ago in the form of a Bible Study, now it is the time to put it in book format, the title is: “Recipe for a Healthy Church”, it will be approximately 300 pages long. Please pray for me as I embarked on this journey. Below you will find a link to the Table of Contents of the book.

10. Pray about a new place to live – The owner has decided to put the house for sale and we have until the end of August to find a new one. For the past 2 plus years, we have been paying $1,400.00 per month; now all rent has gone up, nothing less than $1,500.00 per month in a good area.  Pray that the new owner will allow us to stay and keep the same rent without raising it.

Support Level         

Our support has dropped to 81%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we rent a place; even though we are very eager to start but the Lord knows what He is doing. We are patiently waiting on Him.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19 situations which still lingers here in Costa Rica, but has diminished substantially. 

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s work.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the new president, he has lifted the mask restrictions for the whole country except for people that work in Hospitals and Federal positions. Some stores still observes the restrictions.
  3. Praise the Lord that He has opened the doors for us to start the Bible study in our community.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!  

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! 

May 2022 – Prayer Letter


May 2022 – Prayer Letter   

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

During our meetings in the states, I mentioned that the Lord has taught me two things being on the mission field: “to be patient and wait”. Well, it has paid off when you patiently wait on God. The Lord has opened the doors for us to start a Bible study, in person, in our community center.  We are really excited!!

As we press on, please continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Pray with us as we are planning to start a bible study on Friday June 3rd, 2022 (each Friday) in our community center; the Administration has given us the authorization. We have been spreading the word and invited many. But in the meantime, we are also and still involved with Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos until the Lord opens the doors for a place.
  2. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the Books of the Bible. I am still working on the 1st Epistle of John, at the moment I am in Chapter 3 verse 4. As I have mentioned, the Commentaries and Outlines can also be seen on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines, as well my preaching under Media/ Sermons in Spanish and Sermons Notes under Spanish Sermons, Notes and Outlines.   The booklet that I wrote and titled Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms are being distributed to everyone, including the world, to churches and pastors that we know in Costa Rica and the USA. Praise the Lord, it has been and is a great blessing to many.
  3. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. Thank you for your continued prayers.

4.  Place for the ministry – Continue praying regarding that piece of property that we have been looking at in our area that the Zoning will be suitable for a church building; we have met with the zoning official to discuss the property and/ or other options. It is a long process. We also have met with the Real Estate Agent regarding the new place, nothing yet.

5.   Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing, not as much as before, and as of May 31st, it has surpassed 891,038 cases with 8,495 deaths. It is not obligatory to use the mask anymore, only in places like hospitals, government offices and airports.  

6. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, Even though the restriction of mask has been lifted, precaution are still being taken. Now, that will make it a bit easier to start the ministry.

7. Pray for the new president of Costa Rica in order to make the right and godly decisions for the country.

8. Pray for the country’s financial state, the cost of living has gone up tremendously; the cost of fuel is now at $7.94 per gallon/ 1,258.00 Colones per Litre, it may go higher during the next few weeks; cost of food has risen greatly (a gallon of milk is $4.29/2,576.00 Colones; a gallon of Tropicana orange juice is 7,995.00 Colones/$11.90 a gallon); many stores are also closing.

9. Special prayer request – Many have asked for more copies of the booklet that I wrote in Spanish and English. We have established a Special Sub Account # 14/ BOOK with MWBM. All the previous booklets including the booklets, Shipping & Handling came from my own pocket in order to distribute them. Please pray about what the Lord would like you to do, financially, so we can keep on distributing these books all around the world for the glory of God. Also, the Lord laid on my heart to write another book which I have started many years ago in the form of a Bible Study, now it is the time to put it in book format, the title is: “Recipe for a Healthy Church”, it will be approximately 300 pages long. Please pray for me as I embarked on this journey. Soon, I will make available on our website the Contents of the book.

10. Pray about a new place to live – The owner has decided to put the house for sale and we have until the end of August to find a new one. For the past 2 plus years, we have been paying $1,400.00 per month; now all rent has gone up, nothing less than $1,500.00 per month in a good area.  

Support Level        

Our support has dropped to 81%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we rent a place; even though we are very eager to start but the Lord knows what He is doing. We are patiently waiting on Him.

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19 situations which still lingers here in Costa Rica, but has diminished substantially.  

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s work.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the new president, he has lifted the mask restrictions for the whole country except for people that work in Hospitals and Federal positions. Some stores still observes the restrictions.
  3. Praise the Lord for the twenty new converts at the church since the beginning of the year and were baptized. Praise the Lord as well for the Conference we had at Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos this month from May 23 to 26, the theme was: “Revive the Fire” based on 2 Timothy 1:6. We can see the work of the Spirit of God working in people’s lives and hearts.
  4. Praise the Lord, the pastor at Bible Baptist Church of Calle Blancos, asked me to teach on the book of Judges; so with that been said, I have started preparing a commentary on that book. I have written the introduction, the outline for the whole book and the Commentary on chapter 10 and part of 11. What a blessing! It could be read on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines.
  5. Praise the Lord that He has opened the doors for us to start the Bible study in our community.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!   

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!  

April 2022 – Prayer Letter

April 2022 – Prayer Letter   

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.


As we announced last month, we were going to be on furlough from March 28 through April 29, 2022. Sorry for some of the confusion in our last prayer letter. We have been greatly blessed visiting some of the churches in Virginia and Georgia, as well seeing all the Brethren and spending some time with the family.    

It is always humbling and a great honor when a pastor gives me their pulpit to preach God’s Word and share the ministry He has called us to, not to mention committing to pray and financially supporting us. We also expressed our gratitude to those who provided places for us to stay, who took their time to fellowship with us and thankful to the Lord for safe traveling mercies. Travel can become wearisome, but the Lord strengthened us despite of some setbacks.

We had the privilege to speak to people and inviting them to the services and some did come, we were honored by their presence.

We distributed to all the churches and to some personal contacts the booklet that I have written ‘Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties and Storms”, it was a blessing and humbly received. We pray that it will be a blessing to the edification of the body of Christ and a witness to the world. We can’t wait to distribute them to churches and the people of Costa Rica, the Spanish version.

All the pictures of our visit to the churches can be seen on our Facebook page ‘Jean-Claude & Matilde Guilbaud – Missionaries to Costa Rica’ on the following links:

Liberty Baptist Church – Evington, VA

Gospel Light Baptist Church – Evington, VA

Calvary Baptist Church – Smithfield, VA

New Berean Baptist Church – Portsmouth, VA

Biltmore Baptist Church – Portsmouth, VA

Fellowship Baptist Church – Chesapeake, VA

Maranatha Baptist Church – Yorktown, VA

Central Baptist Church – Yorktown, VA

Tabernacle Baptist Church – Virginia Beach, VA

Pine Grove Baptist Church – Stockbridge, GA

Old Suwanee Baptist Church – Buford, GA

Calvary Baptist Church – Norfolk, VA

Now that we are back on the mission field, we have a lot of work to do and ahead of us. 

As we press on, please continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the Books of the Bible. I have not worked on it for a month since we have been in the States. I am still working on the 1st Epistle of John, at the moment I am still in Chapter 2 verse 28. The booklet that I wrote and titled Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms has been distributed to all the churches that we visited and it was a great blessing. For those of you who didn’t get a copy, you can download one from our website under BOOKS – Spanish & English. The Commentaries and Outlines can also be seen on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines, as well my preaching under Media/ Sermons in Spanish and Sermons Notes under Spanish Sermons, Notes and Outlines.   
  2. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. Thank you for your prayers while we were in the States even though we had some setbacks by being sick with a cold due to the change in temperature.  
  3. Place for the ministry – Now that we are back on the mission field, we have a lot of work to do; looking for a new place for the church due to the bad news we received before we left. Pray with us as we ask the Lord for wisdom, guidance and direction concerning this matter. Continue praying regarding a piece of property that we have been looking at in our area that the Zoning will be suitable for a church building; we are going to schedule an appointment to meet with the zoning official so we can discuss the property and or other options. But in the meantime, we have no other choice to rent in order to save money to purchase that property once we have the church established or another property, according to the Lord’s will.

4.  Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and as of May 2nd it has surpassed 852,074 cases with 8,405 deaths. It is still mandatory to wear a mask everywhere you go.

5. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, it is the same in regards to the restrictions from the Ministry of Health.

Support Level        

Our support is still at 84%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry; even though we are very eager to start but the Lord knows what He is doing,

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19 which still lingers here in Costa Rica.  

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His protection and provision while we were in States.
  2. Praise the Lord for all the meetings we have had and for all the blessings we have received from all the churches.
  3. Praise the Lord for the good results we had from our doctors in the states.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!   

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His

March 2022 – Prayer Letter

March 2022 – Prayer Letter   

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

Praise the Lord all the vehicular restrictions have been lifted but all others remain the same such as, social distancing, wearing mask and occupancies in public spaces and places of worship.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the Books of the Bible. I am still working on the 1st Epistle of John, at the moment I am still in Chapter 2 verse 28; I didn’t have a chance to study and work on it while we were in the States. The booklet that I wrote and titled Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms will be distributed to all the churches that we will be going to during our visit and we know that it will be a great blessing. For those of you who didn’t get a copy, you can download one from our website under BOOKS – Spanish & English. The Commentaries and Outlines can also be seen on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines, as well my preaching under Media/ Sermons in Spanish and Sermons Notes under Spanish Sermons, Notes and Outlines.   
  2. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. Thank you for your prayers while we were in the States. 
  3. Place for the ministry – Once we returned from the States, we were going to start the ministry, by faith, without having all our support to 100%; but unfortunately we were informed, just this week before we left for the States, that the place has been rented out. We felt a bit discourage after waiting all that time and preparing all those documents. Now we have no other choice to start all over, going through the same process and find another place. Well, I believe the Lord has something else in mind. Pray with us as we ask the Lord for wisdom, guidance and direction concerning this matter. Pray regarding a piece of property that we have been looking at in our area that the Zoning will be suitable for a church building; this property has been on the market for a while now. I will be doing the design and a local architect will be doing the construction documents. But in the meantime, we have no other choice to rent in order to save money to purchase that property once we have the church established or another property, if that is the Lord’s will.

4.  Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and as of today the 28th of March it has surpassed 834,726 cases with 8,266 deaths. It is mandatory to wear a mask everywhere you go and if you don’t, you will not be allow to come in unless if you are in open air keeping your distance.  

5. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, it is the same in regards to the restrictions from the Ministry of Health.

6. As we were in the States for the whole month of April, now we are back on the Mission Field, Costa Rica. Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Support Level        

Our support is still at 84%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry; even though we are very eager to start but the Lord knows what He is doing,

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19 which still lingers here in Costa Rica.  

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord for His protection and provision while we were in States.
  2. Praise the Lord for all the meetings we have had and for all the blessings we have received from all the churches.
  3. Praise the Lord for the 35 Anniversary of Bible Baptist Church Calle Blancos this month of March 2022.
  4. Praise the Lord for all the new members (4) and baptism (4) we had this month of March.
  5. Praise the Lord for everything.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!   

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings R

February 2022 – Prayer Letter

February 2022 – Prayer Letter   

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the restrictions for the month of February has been the same as it was in January. Let’s hope the weekends will remain the same but we never know with the government.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the Books of the Bible. I am still working on the 1st Epistle of John, at the moment I am in Chapter 2 verse 22. I study and try to write at least one per day but sometimes it takes longer.The booklet titled Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms is being printed at the moment by Macedonia World Baptist Missions and hoping to have enough copies by the time we arrive in the States in March in order to distribute them. You can preview the booklet on our website under BOOKS – Spanish & English.The Commentaries and Outlines can also be seen on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines, as well my preaching under Media/ Sermons in Spanish and Sermons Notes under Spanish Sermons, Notes and Outlines.  

 2. Our health in order to work in His vineyard. Thank you for your prayers. I had to rush my wife again two times earlier this month to the Hospital Metropolitan because she was totally dehydrated again and also they found that she had bronchitis, severe acid reflux, respiratory infection so she will be under treatment for a while; also she had a second COVID test made but thank the Lord they both came out negative. As for me, I was also admitted to the same hospital on February the 23 early in the morning, with severe dehydration, trembling and numbness in my arms and legs; I was treated and discharged the same day and will be under medication for a week then follow up with the doctors.

3. Place for the ministry – I submitted the drawings to the Federal College of Engineers and Architects for their review including my drawings; once that’s done and approved, we will submit them to the Ministry of Health and the Corps of Firemen for their final approval. I don’t know how long that will be.

4. Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 802,472 cases with 7,999 deaths. It is mandatory to wear a mask everywhere you go and if you don’t, you will not be allow to come in unless if you are in open air keeping your distance.

5. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases. Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions. Most churches are virtual on Sunday and Wednesday evenings and presencial on Sunday mornings; some churches had to close again due to COVID.

6.  Regarding our trip to the States. We are planning to be there for a month from March 28 to April 29, 2022. We will be mostly in Virginia, Georgia and part of South Carolina because it would be impossible to go to all the churches that are supporting us during that period of time, we have a very busy schedule. At the same time while we are in the States, we will be seeing our doctors for a complete check-up as well.

7. Regarding the Lab tests that were done for me, everything seems to be good; except for my PSA level, it has not improved with the medications that I was taking (it went up to 12.23, not a good sign at all) so now the doctor, the Urologist, gave me some other medications, hoping and praying that it will worked and for a better result until my next exam.  

Support Level        

Our support is still at 84%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry; even though we are very eager to start but the Lord knows what He is doing,

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord that we are slowly recuperating. Praise Him for His protection over us.
  2. Praise the Lord for the two baptism we had this month at the church, Bible Baptist Church Calle Blancos.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!   

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, Reach for Christ!

January 2022 – Prayer Letter

January 2022 – Prayer Letter   

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

We trust and pray that everyone had a blessed New Year’s Day 2022 but most of all thanking God for giving us another opportunity to serve Him in another year. We don’t know what is ahead but one thing we do know, we need to focus on Him and to the service He has called us. We thank everyone for your continued prayers and support. By His grace and mercy, we pray this year will be more fruitful and for His glory.  

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the restrictions for the month of January was the same as it was in December. Let’s hope the weekends will remain the same but we never know with the government.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the Books of the Bible. It is a very long journey on this Opus that the Lord has laid on my heart. I don’t know how many days, months or years that the Lord is going to give me in order to work on this project, by the time I leave this earth to be with my Lord, I would like leave a legacy behind that will honor the Lord and for His glory.  I am still working and revising the 1st Epistle of John as I have mentioned in our last prayer letter, it will take me a while to finish it even though I have already written the Outline for all the chapters.As I have mentioned in our previous letter, I have put a booklet together of my experience in the hospital San Juan de Dios in San José, Costa Rica, based on Romans 8:28 written in Spanish and English. The title is: Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms. It is being printed at the moment by Macedonia World Baptist Missions and hoping to have it finished by the end of this year.  You can preview the booklet on our website under BOOKS – Spanish & English.The Commentaries and Outlines can also be seen on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines, as well my preaching under Media/ Sermons in Spanish and Sermons Notes under Spanish Sermons, Notes and Outlines.   
  • Our health in order to work in His vineyard. Three weeks ago, my wife started to feel very bad, then on January 13, early in the morning, she passed out and I had to rush her immediately  to the closest Hospital, Metropolitan, in the area, which is a private hospital because the other public hospital was too far. Upon arriving to the Emergency, right away, they started treating her; they started giving her IV and doing all kinds of Lab Tests. We were there for the whole day until she was released at 4:00PM. According to the doctor, she was totally dehydrated and her thyroids (TSH) was very high, 6.83 compared to the norm which is 0.30 to 4.00. They gave her medications of which she will have to take for the rest of her life. The doctor told me that she could have died if I didn’t bring her to the Emergency that morning.

As for me, it is going to be a long process for my recuperation. I still have some liquid in my stomach, according to the doctor it will take a while for it to dissipate but that should not stop me to continue my normal activities but to be careful to not abuse my body. Continue praying for both of us for physical strength. With all these physical setbacks, we need to be in good health to keep going to the work that God has called us to do according to His will, as we know He is in control of our lives. What the Lord started, He will fulfill it and keep His promises as long we are faithful to Him to the end – Philippians 1: 6. Thank you for your prayers, it means a lot to us.

3.   Place for the ministry – We received the drawings from the Association (the Owner). I started to gather all information and documents in order to submit them to the Federal College of Engineers and Architects to review them, including my drawings; once that’s done and approved, we will submit them to the Ministry of Health and the Corps of Firemen for their final approval.

4.   Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 682,480 cases with 7,533 deaths. It is mandatory to wear a mask everywhere you go and if you don’t, you will not be allow to come in unless if you are in open air keeping your distance.

5. Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions. Most churches are virtual on Sunday and Wednesday evenings and presencial on Sunday mornings.

6. Regarding our trip to the States. We are planning to be there for a month from March 28 to April 29, 2022. We will be mostly in Virginia and Georgia because it would be impossible to go to all the churches that are supporting us during that period of time, we have a very busy schedule. At the same time while we are in the States, we will be seeing our doctors for a complete check-up as well.

7. Regarding the Lab tests that were done for me, everything seems to be good; except for my PSA level, it has not improved with the medications that I was taking (it went up to 12.23, no good at all) so now the doctor gave me some other medications for seven days, 4 times daily and hoping and praying that will worked and for a better result. 

Support Level        

Our support is still at 84%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry; even though we are very eager to start but the Lord knows what He is doing, (Psalms 27: 14).

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19. My wife almost got killed twice by some crazy drivers. Pray for our protection.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord that I am slowly recuperating with no major issues. Praise Him for His protection over us.
  2. Praise the Lord for the two baptism we had this month.

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!   

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, Reach for Christ.

December 2021 – Prayer Letter

December 2021 – Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

We trust and pray that everyone had a blessed Christmas but most of all thanking God for His Son Jesus Christ by giving us the precious gift of Salvation, eternal life.  We thank everyone for their thoughts and gifts. We pray that the New Year 2022 will be a blessing as well.

We have seen the hands of the Lord in our lives this past year 2021 and truly it has been a very trying year dealing with, not only COVID – 19, but also with all the health issues that I have had since May starting with my stomach operation, then a hernia operation in October, after that a biopsy of my prostate in November which came out negative, but praise the Lord He protected us and provided as well throughout all this time.  We pray for a better year in 2022 according to the Lord’s will, and for whatever He has planned for us as we do His work.  

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

As we keep on pressing on this glorious journey, the restrictions for the month of January will be the same as it was in December. Let’s hope the weekends will remain the same but we never know with the government.

As we press on, please pray and continue to pray for the following prayer request:


  1. Continue praying for the project that I have been working on, Outlines and Commentaries in Spanish for all the books of the Bible, so far I have written the Book of Leviticus, Book of Psalms, the Epistle of James, the Epistles of John (1, 2, & 3), the Epistle of Jude, the Epistle to Philemon.  I am still working and revising the 1st Epistle of John as I have mentioned in our last prayer letter, it will take me a while to finish it even though I have already written the Outline for all the chapters.  It is a very long journey on this Opus that the Lord has laid on my heart. I don’t know how many days, months or years that the Lord is going to give me in order to work on this project, by the time I leave this earth to be with my Lord, I would like leave a legacy behind that will honor the Lord and for His glory.   It is truly a blessing meditating on the Word and learning a lot.As I have mentioned in our previous letter, I have put a booklet together of my experience in the hospital San Juan de Dios in San José, Costa Rica, based on Romans 8:28 written in Spanish and English. The title is: Focusing and Trusting in GOD in the midst of Difficulties & Storms. It is being printed at the moment by Macedonia World Baptist Missions and hoping to have it finished by the end of this year.  You can preview the booklet on our website under BOOKS – Spanish & English.The Commentaries and Outlines can also be seen on our website under the Tab Spanish Bible Commentaries & Outlines, as well my preaching under Media/ Sermons in Spanish and Sermons Notes under Spanish Sermons, Notes and Outlines.  
  • Our health in order to work in His vineyard. As I mentioned previously, it is going to be a long process for my recuperation before I can resume (full blast) to my normal activities. I still have some liquid in my stomach, according to the doctor it will take a while for it to dissipate.  I had the biopsy done for my prostate, the results came in negative, praise the Lord, but will be under treatment, I don’t know how long. Continue praying for my wife, as well, for physical strength as she is doing everything and being also my nurse. With all these setbacks, I am asking the Lord to give me physical strength to keep doing His work according to His will because He is in control of my health and my life; what the Lord started, He will fulfill it and keep His promises as long we are faithful to Him to the end – Philippians 1: 6. Thank you for your prayers, it means a lot to us.

3.   Place for the ministry – We received the drawings from the Association (the Owner) but with my condition I have                      not been able to submit them to the Federal College of Engineers and Architects to review them; once that’s done, we will submit them to the Ministry of Health and the Corps of Firemen for their approval. Now that Christmas season is over, the government will resume their normal activities sometime after the second week of January.

4.   Pray about the COVID – 19, it keeps on increasing and has surpassed 570,556 cases with 7,353 deaths. It is mandatory to wear a mask everywhere you go and if you don’t, you will not be allow to come in unless if you are in open air keeping your distance.

  • Pray regarding the assembly of churches, the Ministry of Health has not given the full 100% to start because of the continuing increase of COVID – 19 cases.Some Churches have started to congregate, the allowable occupancy is still at 50% due to the COVID restrictions.
  • We are praying about taking a month trip to the US sometime in the spring in order to give an update; unfortunately we won’t be able to visit all the churches that are supporting us during that short period of time, the date has not been set yet but hopefully during January, if that is the Lord’s will and once that is done, I will contact those particular churches. At the same time while we are in the States, my wife needs to see the eye doctor that operated on her and to have a complete women’s physical checkup because in Costa Rica the plan that we have will not cover everything and it will cost a lot of money to get it done; so it will be much more economical and cost effective to get it done in the US under our Medicare plan. 
  • During the month of January and February, I also have many follow-up doctor’s appointment and laboratory test to be done due to my operations.

Support Level        

Our support is still at 84%. We pray and trusting in the Lord that it will go up by the time we start the ministry; even though we are very eager to start but the Lord knows what He is doing! (Psalms 27: 14).

Safety with Travels

Protection on the road and the COVID – 19.

Schedule of Meetings

It will be a blessing if we can have meetings via the internet, with the Lord nothing is impossible.

Softness of Attitude   

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times.


  1. Praise the Lord that I am slowly recuperating with no major issues and also for the negative results on my prostate biopsy.
  • Praise the Lord for the Conference we had from December 6 – 9 on “WINNING SOULS” at Bible Baptist Church Calle Blanco, many people got saved and many also have made decision to make it a priority.
  • Praise the Lord for the Christmas Cantata and the Program we had at Bible Baptist Church Calle Blanco. I preached that evening for the first time since my operations back in May and October. What a blessing!
  • Praise the Lord I finally got my Costa Rica Driver’s License after seven months of which I had to pay a lawyer to get involve plus I had to pay again for another Dictamen and more translations. I will have to renew it in two years, the same procedure as Immigration. 
  • Praise the Lord for my wife, He has blessed me in a special way for I have no words on how to describe it. If it wasn’t for her, I could not have done anything.
  • Praise the Lord for the time that He has given me to work on the Bible Outlines and Commentaries. As I meditate on all these setbacks, the Lord has given me that time to use it wisely and for His glory.  The Lord, as always, knows what He is doing and I am very grateful. Nothing is in vain when we do it for the Lord.  
  • Praise the Lord for all of the Christmas gift you have sent, it was a big help towards the hospital and doctors expenses for my hernia operation and prostate Biopsy. Thank you very much and may the Lord immensely bless you all!  

Beloved Brethren, may the love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!   

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory! Reach the World, Reach for Christ.