Category Archives: Prayer Letters

February 2024 – Prayer Letter

February 2024 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.


  1. Continue praying for our health in order to continue to work in His vineyard.
  2. Continue praying for the Church, Reaching for Jesus Christ Baptist Church in Santa Ana, Rio Oro for spiritual direction, protection and growth.
  3. Continue praying that the LORD will send another national pastor to work with us,
  4. Continue praying for wisdom as my wife works with the ladies.
  5. Continue praying for our outreach in the neighborhood, evangelization each Saturday in the morning and visitations on Thursday evening; also for our Bible Studies as we study the Epistle of James and time of prayer on Wednesday evening.
  6. Continue praying for available and dedicated laborers to come and be part of the church so we can form an association; we need ten members including my wife and I before we do. The Lord sent a couple from Honduras and they want to become members of the church.
  7. Continue praying for the church’s faithfulness as we are supporting our first missionary (The Soto’s) from Costa Rica whom at the moment are in India.
  8. Continue praying for the following people so they can be faithful in congregating: Mrs.  Amalia, Reina, Lidia, Sandra, Carlos and his family.   
  9. Continue praying about the possible property for the Church, Christian School and Seminary close by to where we are meeting at the moment, about a five minute drive. Per our Mid – February prayer letter, we have submitted the sketches to the City and Zoning department for their approval; we are still waiting.
  10. Pray for a young man named Gilbert, he visited us last Sunday that he will get himself together with the Lord.

Support Level

We are sustaining an 87% support by the grace of God with much sacrifice. By faith we have started this journey, by faith we are trusting in Him for His provision and by faith we will keep on serving Him as we do His work, according to His will. 

Safety with Travels

Safety as we traveled in Costa Rica. Protection on the road as we traveled, especially in the mountains.

Schedule of Meetings

Now that we have started the church, it is not easy to leave for six months or more to get support, we have a big responsibility here and we want to be faithful to it; but with God nothing is impossible. He knows the churches that will support us so we can reach the goal even though we are not in the States.

Softness of Attitude

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of some members.
  3. Praise the Lord, He has sent a couple from Honduras, they want to become members of the church and also a young man from Costa Rica that the couple knows.  

My Beloved Brethren, we are truly and extremely excited to see what God is going to do with us during this New Year 2024; we are under His wings and His will.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

P.S. We have been posting on Facebook Live videos of the services, it is under Iglesia Bautista Alcanzando Para Jesucristo at 10:00AM every Sunday.  

Mid – February 2024 Prayer Letter

Mid – February 2024 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

A cordial greeting from your laborers in Costa Rica.

We pray that you will take time to read this letter in its entirety and pray that you will be sensible to the Holy Spirit as He speak to your hearts. At first I was intimidated writing this letter, to be franc afraid. But the Lord rebuked me with a quick reminder that He is the Owner of everything, to trust Him (Matthew 7: 8; Luke 11: 10) and that I must be humble not proud (1 Peter 5: 5)

Our vision ever since we answered and surrendered ourselves to the call as Missionaries to Costa Rica was to establish Independent, Fundamental Baptist Churches as well as a Baptist Seminary and a Christian school.  After an in depth research of the area of Santa Ana, I have come to a conclusion that we are the only Independent, Fundamental Baptist Church; also, there are no Baptist Christian School either. Above that, we will be the first Baptist Christian School in the whole country that I am aware of, now granted there are a lot private (including Catholics) and public schools but they are very liberal.  

The Missionary era that we are living nowadays is not the same as 40 to 50 years ago. During those earlier time, land were giving free to missionaries to spread the gospel in Costa Rica, but now it is totally different. Be it as it may, Costa Rica is still in need of the True Gospel of Christ and we have to make a difference because we are supposed to be different as God’s children.

After much prayer, supplications and wisdom to our Almighty Eternal God, Savior Jesus Christ and the guidance of His Holy Spirit, we come before all of you, Pastors, Churches and Personal Friends to express and elaborate on a prayer request which was mentioned to you in our last prayer letter in January regarding properties for the Church, Christian school and Seminary. 

As you continue reading this letter, you probably will think that I am crazy, perhaps I am, crazy for God as I continue spreading His word, making a difference, without compromise.

For four plus years, now, we have been praying and asking God to guide us to a property, in our area Santa Ana, which will served as the main headquarters for the complex. After seeing and checking many properties, we believe the property that God has put in our way in Santa Ana, Piedades, this time, is where He wants us to be, but again it is according to His will.

I want to mention again what was written in our last prayer letter and it is the following:

Pray about a possible property for the church, school and seminary close by to where we are meeting at the moment, about a five minute drive. The property is an excellent location, on a main road in the city with surroundings houses all around. The property is about 4,471 m2/ 44,556 SF and the cost is about $17.80 per square foot; that is an excellent price being in the city. I will give more information in our next prayer letter or before. I am meeting with the real estate agent Friday February 1st at 2:00PM to discuss more regarding the zoning and other things. This is a property that I believe God put in our way, after much prayers, which cannot be ignored. Pray as the Lord guides me to make decisions for His glory.

 To elaborate further, I did meet with the Real Estate Agent and the local architect, but I have to do some preliminary work on my part such as preparing Architectural sketches so we can present them to the City and Zoning Department in order to see if the property is suitable for the complex as stated above. As I am writing this letter, I am preparing the sketches so I can submit them to the Officials for their approval this week sometime.  We are praying for two things to God. First is the zoning approval from the city of Santa Ana, if is approved then we are on the right track; the second thing is the financial aspect. Now there are three parts to the financial aspect, first is the land, second the preparation of the documents (Civil, Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) and the third is the construction.

 The FIRST and foremost important is the purchase of the land; it may sounds like a lot of money but in fact it is not after my research in the area comparing with other properties, especially the location as I mentioned in the previous paragraph written in red. The same property in the center of town will cost you doubled if not tripled.

The owner is asking $864, 545.00 Dollars which is about $17.80/m2 (per square meter); but I believe we can get it down to $773,300.00 dollars which is about $16.26 dollars/m2 (per square meter). It will be a very favorable deal.

 We are praying for the Lord to use God’s people in a great way, 100 churches including private and business entities. The amount for each of the 100 people will be about $7, 733.00 Dollars if we pay cash for it, if not the bank will have to get involve and it will cost much, much more due to the interest; here in Costa Rica the interest rate to buy properties including land is extremely high. You may ask this question: Why 100? First and foremost, praying then searching the scriptures and the Lord reminded me of His parable regarding the 100 sheep’s (Luke 15: 4).

 The SECOND aspect is the preparation of the construction documents, fees for the City, insurance fees and the appraisal fee. Below is an itemize cost of each discipline:

  1. Civil, Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing __$ 55,000.00 Dollars
  2.  City fees _____________________________________________________ $   6,000.00 Dollars
  3. Insurance _____________________________________________________ $   7,800.00 Dollars
  4. Appraisal fee __________________________________________________ $   1,200.00 Dollars

TOTAL ______________________________________________________ $ 70,000.00 Dollars

**These fees above do not have to be paid right away, it could be during the course of the project (pre – construction and construction).  

The THIRD aspect is the construction part. This will be done in Phases. Phase I will be the church building and the Seminary. Phase II will be the school from Kindergarten to 12th grade. We do not know the final cost until all the construction documents are complete and get an estimate. If we do get to that point, I will be involve with the local architect to get that done and also during the construction process.

**Regarding the construction cost, pray for the growth of the church and perhaps by that time, we will have enough members to pay for it.

  Beloved Brethren, ¡WITH THE LORD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE IF THAT IS HIS WILL! This is God’s work and my vision to enlarge God’s kingdom and leave a legacy behind for His glory.

  Enclosed you will find a Pdf copy of the aerial view, site plan of the property and its location of where we live and meeting at the moment. Also all the design sketches which I have prepared in order to submit to the Zoning Department for their approval (that in itself would have had a cost of about $5,000.00 if another architect had done them). I will be helping and get involve in the project with a local architect (in order to save money) of whom I am dealing with, he will be doing all the construction documents as mentioned in the previous paragraph and as well sealed them.


  1. Praise the Lord in advance for whatever He will put in your heart to give toward this project. You will all leave a legacy behind and it will be to God’s glory.  

My Beloved Brethren, we are truly and extremely excited to see what God is going to do; we are under His wings and His will.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!


January 2024 – Prayer Letter

January 2024 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times. We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.


  1. Continue praying for our health in order to continue to work in His vineyard.
  2. Continue praying for the Church, Reaching for Jesus Christ Baptist Church in Santa Ana, Rio Oro for spiritual direction, protection and growth. We are experiencing a dry season.
  3. Continue praying that the LORD will send another national pastor to work with us,
  4. Continue praying for wisdom as my wife works with the ladies.
  5. Continue praying for our outreach in the neighborhood, evangelization each Saturday in the morning and visitations on Thursday evening; also for our Bible Studies as we study the Epistle of James and time of prayer on Wednesday evening.
  6. Continue praying for available and dedicated laborers to come and be part of the church so we can form an association; we need ten members including my wife and I before we do. So far we have four which includes my wife and I.
  7. Continue praying for the church’s faithfulness as we are supporting our first missionary (The Soto’s) from Costa Rica whom at the moment are in India.
  8. Continue praying for the following people so they can be faithful in congregating: Mrs.  Amalia, Reina, Lidia, Sandra, Carlos and his family.   
  9. Pray about a possible property for the church, school and seminary close by to where we are meeting at the moment, about a five minute drive. The property is an excellent location, on a main road in the city with surroundings houses all around. The property is about 4,471 m2/ 44,556 SF and the cost is about $17.80 per square foot; that is an excellent price being in the city. I will give more information in our next prayer letter or before. I am meeting with the real estate agent Friday February 1st at 2:00PM to discuss more regarding the zoning and other things. This is a property that I believe God put in our way, after much prayers, which cannot be ignored. Pray as the Lord guides me to make decisions for His glory.

Support Level

We are sustaining an 85% support by the grace of God with much sacrifice. By faith we have started this journey, by faith we are trusting in Him for His provision and by faith we will keep on serving Him as we do His work, according to His will. 

Safety with Travels

Safety as we traveled in Costa Rica. Protection on the road as we traveled, especially in the mountains.

Schedule of Meetings

Now that we have started the church, it is not easy to leave for six months or more to get support, we have a big responsibility here and we want to be faithful to it; but with God nothing is impossible. He knows the churches that will support us so we can reach the goal even though we are not in the States.

Softness of Attitude

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of some members.
  3. Praise the Lord for the numerous tracts that we have received, it is truly a blessing that we didn’t have to pay for them, only for the import fees.
  4. Praise the Lord for the visit we had from our Field Mission Director at MWBM, Dr. Fred Kindhart; it was truly a blessing, a time of fellowship, encouragement and support. 

My Beloved Brethren, we are truly and extremely excited to see what God is going to do with us during this New Year 2024; we are under His wings and His will.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

P.S. We have been posting on Facebook Live videos of the services, it is under Iglesia Bautista Alcanzando Para Jesucristo at 10:00AM every Sunday.  

December 2023 – Prayer Letter


December 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

We want to thank everyone for their generous Christmas gift, it was truly an unexpected blessing. May the Lord bless you all in a special and mighty way, and may these gifts be multiplied for God’s glory.   

We trust and pray that everyone had a blessed Christmas and we wish all of you a very Prosperous Happy New Year 2024 (Philippians 3: 13 – 14)


  1. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard.

2. Pray for the Church, Reaching for Jesus Christ Baptist Church in Santa Ana, Rio Oro for spiritual direction, protection and growth.

3. Pray that the LORD will send another national pastor to work with us,

4. Pray for wisdom as my wife works with the ladies.

5. Pray for our outreach in the neighborhood, evangelization each Saturday in the morning and visitations on Thursday evening; also for our Bible Studies and time of prayer on Wednesday evening.

6.  Pray for available and dedicated laborers to come and be part of the church so we can form an association; we need ten members including my wife and I before we do. So far we have four which includes my wife and I.

7. Pray for the church’s faithfulness as we are supporting our first missionary (The Soto’s) from Costa Rica whom at the moment are in India.

8. Pray for our Wednesday Bible study as we are studying the Epistle of James and for its growth.  

9. Continue praying for the following people so they can be faithful in congregating: Mrs. Amalia, Cecilia, Reina, Lidia, Liliana, Emiliano, Carlos and many more. 

10. Continue praying for our financial situation.

11. Pray for the churches that have stopped supporting us and that they will be sensible to the Holy Spirit and be faithful.

Support Level

We are sustaining an 85% support by the grace of God with much sacrifice. By faith we have started this journey, by faith we are trusting in Him for His provision and by faith we will keep on serving Him as we do His work, according to His will. 

Safety with Travels

Safety as we traveled in Costa Rica. Protection on the road as we traveled, especially in the mountains.

Schedule of Meetings

Now that we have started the church, it is not easy to leave for six months or more to get support, we have a big responsibility here and we want to be faithful to it; but with God nothing is impossible. He knows the churches that will support us so we can reach the goal even though we are not in the States.

Softness of Attitude

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of some members.
  3. Praise the Lord for new visitors each Sunday that they will come back.
  4. Praise the Lord, we will be observing our first Lord’s Supper at the church on the 31st of December, 2023.

My Beloved Brethren, we are extremely excited to see what God is going to do with us and the people of Costa Rica in this New Year 2024; we are under His wings and His will.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

P.S. We have been posting on Facebook Live videos of the services, it is under Iglesia Bautista Alcanzando Para Jesucristo at 10:00AM every Sunday.  

November 2023 – Prayer Letter

November 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.

We want to thank every one of you for the generous Christmas gift we have received, it was truly an unexpected blessing. May the Lord bless you all in a special and mighty way and that these gifts be multiplied for His glory. May you all have a blessed Christmas and our Lord and Savior be exalted.


  1. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard.

2. Pray for the Church, Reaching for Jesus Christ Baptist Church in Santa Ana, Rio Oro for spiritual direction, protection and growth.

3. Pray that the LORD will send another national pastor to work with us,

4. Pray for wisdom as my wife works with the ladies.

5. Pray for our outreach in the neighborhood, evangelization each Saturday in the morning and visitations on Thursday evening; also for our Bible Studies and time of prayer on Wednesday evening.

6.  Pray for available and dedicated laborers to come and be part of the church so we can form an association; we need ten members including my wife and I before we do. So far we have four which includes my wife and I.

7. Pray for the church’s faithfulness as we are supporting our first missionary (The Soto’s) from Costa Rica whom at the moment are in India.

8. Pray for our Wednesday Bible study as we are studying the Epistle of James and for its growth.  

9. Pray for the following people so they can be faithful in congregating: Mrs. Amalia, Reina, Lidia, Liliana, Emiliano, Carlos and his family & many more. 

10. Continue praying for our financial situation. Everything has been going up extremely, (i.e. gasoline – 850 Colones per liter which is about $6.44 per gallon; ½ a gallon of orange juice $6.78; one gallon of 2% milk, $12.80; property tax for the car, $628.25 per year; car insurance , $591.20 per semester,  etc. etc.).

11. Pray for Mayela, she has accepted and received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior into her heart with my wife; pray for my wife and sister Alicia (one of the members of the church) as they disciple her.

12. Pray for the churches that have stopped supporting us and that they will be sensible to the Holy Spirit and be faithful.

Support Level

We are sustaining an 85% support by the grace of God with much sacrifice. By faith we have started this journey, by faith we are trusting in Him for His provision and by faith we will keep on serving Him as we do His work, according to His will. 

Safety with Travels

Safety as we traveled in Costa Rica. Protection on the road as we traveled, especially in the mountains.

Schedule of Meetings

Now that we have started the church, it is not easy to leave for six months or more to get support, we have a big responsibility here and we want to be faithful to it; but with God nothing is impossible. He knows the churches that will support us so we can reach the goal even though we are not in the States.

Softness of Attitude

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of some members.
  3. Praise the Lord for the visitors each Sunday.
  4. Praise the Lord for Mayela, she visited the church once, then my wife and Sister Alicia went to visit her and she received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior of her life.

My Beloved Brethren, we are extremely excited to see what God is going to do with us and the people of Costa Rica, we are under His will.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

P.S. We have been posting on Facebook Live videos of the services, it is under Iglesia Bautista Alcanzando Para Jesucristo at 10:00AM every Sunday morning.

October 2023 – Prayer Letter


October 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.


  1. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard.

2. Pray for the Church, Reaching for Jesus Christ Baptist Church in Santa Ana, Rio Oro for spiritual direction, protection and growth.

3. Pray that the LORD will send another national pastor to work with us,

4. Pray for wisdom as my wife works with the ladies.

5. Pray for our outreach in the neighborhood, evangelization each Saturday in the morning and visitations on Thursday evening; also for our Bible Studies and time of prayer on Wednesday evening.

6.  Pray for available and dedicated laborers to come and be part of the church so we can form an association; we need ten members including my wife and I before we do.

7. Pray for the church’s faithfulness as we are supporting our first missionary (The Soto’s) from Costa Rica whom at the moment are in India.

8. Pray for our Wednesday Bible study as we are studying the Epistle of James and for its growth.  

9. Pray for Edwin’s mom, salvation, the 10 year old boy whom has received the Lord as his Savior with one of the members; also for the salvation of a lady named Milagro, she has visited the church quite a few times.

10. Pray for the following people so they can be faithful in congregating: Mrs. Amalia, Cecilia, Reina, Lidia, Liliana, Emiliano and many more.  

11. Pray for these special petitions, during these past two months we have had a lot of unexpected bills in regards to our car and our financial situation. Everything has been going up extremely, (i.e. gasoline – 850 Colones per liter which is about $6.44 per gallon; ½ a gallon of orange juice $6.78; one gallon of 2% milk, $12.80; property tax for the car, $628.25 per year; car insurance , $591.20 per semester,  etc. etc.).

Support Level

We are sustaining an 85% support by the grace of God with much sacrifice. By faith we have started this journey, by faith we are trusting in Him for His provision and by faith we will keep on serving Him as we do His work, according to His will. 

Safety with Travels

Safety as we traveled in Costa Rica. Protection on the road as we traveled, especially in the mountains.

Schedule of Meetings

Now that we have started the church, it is not easy to leave for six months or more to get support, we have a big responsibility here and we want to be faithful to it; but with God nothing is impossible. He knows the churches that will support us so we can reach the goal even though we are not in the States.

Softness of Attitude

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of some members.
  3. Praise the Lord, we have voted unanimously to support the Sotos’s as missionaries to India, our first one. We see ourselves like the Macedonian churches. It’s an honor and a privilege.
  4. Praise the Lord for the visitors each Sunday.

My Beloved Brethren, we are extremely excited to see what God is going to do with us and the people of Costa Rica, we are under His will.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

P.S. We have been posting on Facebook Live videos of the services, it is under Iglesia Bautista Alcanzando Para Jesucristo at 10:00AM every Sunday.  

September 2023 – Prayer Letter

September 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.


  1. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard.

2. Pray for the Church, Reaching for Jesus Christ Baptist Church in Santa Ana, Rio Oro for spiritual direction, protection and growth.

3. Pray that the LORD will send another national pastor to work with us, Pastor Esteban has moved to another town.

4. Pray for wisdom as my wife works with the ladies.

5. Pray for our outreach in the neighborhood, evangelization each Saturday in the morning and visitations on Thursday evening; also for our Bible Studies and time of prayer on Wednesday evening.

6.  Pray for available and dedicated laborers to come and be part of the church so we can form an association; we need ten members including my wife and I before we do.

7. Pray for the church as we are looking to take one missionary (The Soto’s) from Costa Rica whom at the moment are in India, our first one.

8. Pray for our Wednesday Bible study as we are studying the Epistle of James and for its growth.  

9.Pray for Edwin’s mom, salvation, the 10 year old boy whom has received the Lord as his Savior with one of the members; also for the salvation of a lady named Milagro, she has visited the church quite a few times.

Support Level

We are sustaining an 85% support by the grace of God with much sacrifice. By faith we have started this journey, by faith we are trusting in Him for His provision and by faith we will keep on serving Him as we do His work, according to His will. 

Safety with Travels

Safety as we traveled in Costa Rica. Protection on the road as we traveled, especially in the mountains.

Schedule of Meetings

Now that we have started the church, it is not easy to leave for six months or more to get support, we have a big responsibility here and we want to be faithful to it; but with God nothing is impossible. He knows the churches that will support us so we can reach the goal even though we are not in the States.

Softness of Attitude

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of some members.
  3. Praise the Lord we have voted to take on the Soto’s as missionary to India, our first one.
  4. Praise the Lord for the first pastor’s fellowship we had this month after the pandemic.
  5. Praise the Lord for the visitors each Sunday.

My Beloved Brethren, we are extremely excited to see what God is going to do with us and the people of Costa Rica.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

P.S. We have been posting on Facebook Live videos of the services, it is under Iglesia Bautista Alcanzando Para Jesucristo at 10:00AM every Sunday.  

August 2023 Prayer Letter


August 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.


  1. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard.

2. Pray for the Church, Reaching for Jesus Christ Baptist Church in Santa Ana, Rio Oro for spiritual direction, protection and growth.

3. Pray that the LORD will send another national pastor to work with us, Pastor Esteban has moved to another town.

4. Pray for wisdom as my wife works with the ladies.

5. Pray for our outreach in the neighborhood, evangelization each Saturday in the morning and visitations on Thursday evening; also for our Bible Studies and time of prayer on Wednesday evening.

6.  Provision for the rest of the needs for the church. We have invested a lot of   our personal savings to get where we are.

7. Pray for available and dedicated laborers to come and be part of the church so we can form an association; we need ten members including my wife and I before we do.

8. Pray for the church as we are looking to take one missionary (The Soto’s) from Costa Rica whom at the moment are in India, our first one.

9. Pray for our Wednesday Bible study as we are studying the Epistle of James and for its growth.  

10. Pray for Edwin’s mom, salvation, the 10 year old boy whom has received the Lord as his Savior with one of the members; also for the salvation of a lady named Milagro, she has visited the church quite a few times.

Support Level

We are sustaining an 84% support by the grace of God with much sacrifice. By faith we have started this journey, by faith we are trusting in Him for His provision and by faith we will keep on serving Him as we do His work, according to His will. 

Safety with Travels

Safety as we traveled in Costa Rica. Protection on the road as we traveled, especially in the mountains.

Schedule of Meetings

Now that we have started the church, it is not easy to leave for six months or more to get support, we have a big responsibility here and we want to be faithful to it; but with God nothing is impossible. He knows the churches that will support us so we can reach the goal even though we are not in the States.

Softness of Attitude

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.
  2. Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of some members.

My Beloved Brethren, we are extremely excited to see what God is going to do with us and the people of Costa Rica.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

P.S. We have been posting on Facebook Live videos of the services, it is under Iglesia Bautista Alcanzando Para Jesucristo at 10:00AM every Sunday.  

July 2023 – Prayer Letter

July 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times.We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.


  1. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard.

2. Pray for the Church, Reaching for Jesus Christ Baptist Church in Santa Ana, Rio Oro for spiritual protection and growth; also pray as we are starting the services in August in the morning at 10:00AM

3. Please pray for Pastor Esteban Rivera with his wife Laura and their two young children as they are trying to help with us. They are not always with us as they go around preaching.

4. Pray for wisdom as my wife works with the ladies.

5. Pray for our outreach in the neighborhood, evangelization each Saturday in the morning and visitations on Thursday evening.

6. Provision for the rest of the needs for the church. We have invested a lot of   our personal savings to get where we are.

7.  Pray for available and dedicated laborers to come and be part of the church so we can form an association; we need ten members including my wife and I before we do.

8. Pray for the church as we are looking to take one missionary (The Soto’s) from Costa Rica whom at the moment are in India, our first one.

9. Pray for our Wednesday Bible study as we are studying the Epistle of James.

10. Continue praying for the properties mentioned in our previous prayer letter.

Support Level

We are sustaining an 84% support by the grace of God with much sacrifice. By faith we have started this journey, by faith we are trusting in Him for His provision and by faith we will keep on serving Him as we do His work, according to His will. 

Safety with Travels

Safety as we traveled in Costa Rica. Protection on the road as we traveled to churches, visiting people, especially in the mountains.

Schedule of Meetings

Now that we have started the church, it is not easy to leave for six months or more to get support, we have a big responsibility here and we want to be faithful to it; but with God nothing is impossible. He knows the churches that will support us so we can reach the goal even though we are not in the States.

Softness of Attitude

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.

2. Praise the Lord for Pastor Esteban and his wife for their continued help in the church.

3. Praise the Lord for the many visitors we’ve had during these past months.

4. Praise the Lord for the two people whom have decided to become members of the church and for their faithfulness and they are very faithful.

5. Praise the Lord for a 10 year old boy whom has received the Lord with one of the members, his name is Edwin.

My Beloved Brethren, we are extremely excited to see what God is going to do with us and the people of Costa Rica.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

P.S. We have been posting on Facebook pictures and Live videos of the services, it is under Iglesia Bautista Alcanzando Para Jesucristo at 2:00PM every Sunday, but now we will start at 10:00AM  

June 2023 – Prayer Letter


June 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Beloved Brethren and Co-Laborers,

As always, we cannot over state this, we thank and we will keep on thanking our Eternal God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending us on this glorious mission. It is truly a joy as we do His will even in difficult times. We pray that His Holy Spirit will keep on guiding us in the right path of righteousness, to be obedient and faithful until the end, no matter what.  We understand that we are living in difficult times and we do immensely thank you for your support, prayers and we praise the Lord for your faithfulness.


  1. Our health in order to continue and work in His vineyard.

2. Pray for the Church, Reaching for Jesus Christ Baptist Church in Santa Ana, Rio Oro for spiritual protection and growth.

3. Please pray for Pastor Esteban Rivera with his wife Laura and their two young children as they are trying to help with us. They ae not always with us as they go around preaching.

4. Pray for my wife as she is working with the ladies.

5. Pray for our outreach in the neighborhood, evangelization each Saturday in the morning and visitations on Thursday evening; also for our Bible Studies and time of prayer on Wednesday evening.

6.  Provision for the rest of the needs for the church. We have invested a lot of our personal savings to get where we are.

7. Pray for available and dedicated laborers to come and be part of the church so we can form an association; we need ten members including my wife and I before we do.

8. Pray for the church as we are looking to take one missionary (The Soto’s) from Costa Rica whom at the moment are in India, our first one.

9. Pray for our Wednesday Bible study as we are studying the Epistle of James.

10. Continue praying for the properties mentioned in our last prayer letter.

Support Level

We are sustaining an 84% support by the grace of God with much sacrifice. By faith we have started this journey, by faith we are trusting in Him for His provision and by faith we will keep on serving Him as we do His work, according to His will. 

Safety with Travels

Safety as we traveled in Costa Rica. Protection on the road as we traveled to churches, especially in the mountains.

Schedule of Meetings

Now that we have started the church, it is not easy to leave for six months or more to get support, we have a big responsibility here and we want to be faithful to it; but with God nothing is impossible. He knows the churches that will support us so we can reach the goal even though we are not in the States.

Softness of Attitude

To stay close to God and focus on Him and the mission that is set before us, not on our circumstances because it very easy to get discourage at times and Satan, as always, wants to put his nose in God’s business.


  1. Praise the Lord for His continued protection and provision as we serve Him.

2. Praise the Lord for Pastor Esteban and his wife for their continued help in the church.

3. Praise the Lord for the many visitors we’ve had during these past three months.

4. Praise the Lord for the two people whom have decided to become members of the church and for their faithfulness.

5. Praise the Lord for a 10 year old boy whom has received the Lord with one of the members, his name is Edwin.

My Beloved Brethren, we are extremely excited to see what God is going to do with us and the people of Costa Rica.

Beloved Brethren, may the Love of the Almighty God, the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you All. Amen!    

Brother Jean-Claude & Sister Matilde Guilbaud

Reach the World, Reach for Christ; Under His Wings Reaching the World for His Glory!

P.S. We have been posting on Facebook pictures and Live videos of the services, it is under Iglesia Bautista Alcanzando Para Jesucristo at 2:00PM every Sunday.