Arrival in San Jose International Airport, Costa Rica.
Pierre Jim Hilton accepted the Lord as his Savior with me during the time we were in Nicoya, Guanacaste visiting Temple Baptist Eben-Ezer where pastor Jorge Corrales is. Group of people from Grace Baptist Church in New Brunswick, Ohio hepled built Temple Baptist Eben-Ezer in Nicoya, Guanacaste.Pastor Jorge Corrales (Templo Bautista Eben-Ezer in Nicoya, Guanacaste) with his wife and us (the Guilbauds)From Left to right – My self and my wife; Pastor Ramirez and his wife (Iglesia Bautista de Barva, Heredia); Missionary Rick Dove and his wife.Jean-Claude Guilbaud sharing his testimony.Oldest church building in Nicoya, Guanacaste.Thanksgiving gathering at the Todd’s residence in the La Zona de Los Santos in Cartago with some of the missionaries serving in Costa Rica.Wives and children of the missionaries.Husbands and sons.Brother Bickel at the Indegenous’ people home for bible study.Bible study and fellowship at the Indegenous’ people home.Brother Bickel’s daughter Debbie and my wife Matilde teaching the Indegenous kids the bible.Brother Bickel’s family.Brother Bickel’s family with the Guilbauds.Brother Bickel’s foster children.Bible study night with Brother Bickel at the Indegenous’ people home.Pastor Jorge Corrales – Templo Bautista Eben-Ezer in Nicoya, Guanacaste.Brother Bickel’s home in the La Zona de Los Santos, Cartago.Kitchen of the Indegenous people.Other part of kitchen.Bedroom at the Indegenous people home.Cottage where we stayed with Bother Bickel.Potential church property in Siquirres, Limon. It has about 3 Hectares of land which is about 9 Acres. There are no Independent Baptist churches in Siquirres, Limon. The town has about 14,000 people with 1 Mormon church, 1 Pentecostal church, 1 Charismatic church, 2 Catholic churches.The young man pointing is the care taker of the property. The owners are in the USA. His name is Ronny Mahoney, he accepted the Lord as his Savior with my wife that day. Pastor Rodolpho is leaning on the fence.Part of property in Siquirres, Limon.Church of God in Siquirres, Limon.Church of God in Siquirres, Limon.Primera Iglesia Bautista 28 Millas. The Oldest church in Limon, more than 125 years. Pastor Rogelio Taylor Grant is the current pastor for the past 59 years. He is blind and still preaches. Pastor Taylor is the brother of pastor Rodolpho’s wife Darrell Taylor.Primera Iglesia Bautista 28 Millas, Limon. Pastor Rogelio Taylor Grant.Primera Iglesia Bautista 28 Millas. Limon.Pastor Rodolpho and his wife Darrell, and my wife Matilde in the sanctuary of 28 Millas church.Pastor Owen Barker.Primera Iglesia Bautista de Zent, Limon.Primera Iglesia Bautista de Zent, Limon.From left to right – Pastor Owen Barker, my wife Matilde, Pastor Rodolpho’s wife Darrell and Pastor Rodolpho Walters.From left to right – Jean-Claude, Pastor Owen and Pastor Rodolpho.Left to right – Matilde Guilbaud and Mrs. Walters (pastor Rodolpho’s wife).Pastor Owen’s home in 28 Millas, Limon. We are drinking the best agua de coco which the Costa Ricans called Agua de pipa.Pastor Owen’s home/property in 28 Millas, Limon.Pastor Owen’s home.Cacao fruit, that is where we get our chocolate from.Guanabana.Sugar cane.Siquirres, Limon. Potential church property.Siquirres, LimonSiquirres, LimonSiquirres, LimonSiquirres, Limon. Part of property.Siquirres, Limon. Part of property.Siquirres, Limon. Part of property.Siquirres, Limon. Part of property.Pastor Ramirez baptising (Iglesia Bautista de Barva, Heredia).Pastor Ramirez baptising.Pastor Ramirez, Iglesia Bautista de Barva, Heredia.Missionary Rick Dove, Iglesia Bautista de Barva, Heredia.Faith promise banner at Iglesia Bautista de Barva, Heredia.Centro de Barva, Heredia.Pastor Jorge Corrales’ home.Men gathering for the Thanksgiving fellowship at the Todd’s residence.Ladies gathering for the Thanksgiving fellowship at the Todd’s residence.Iglesia Bautista y Seminario el Calvario’ property in Palmares, Alajuela. Missionary Danny White serving for more than 25 years.Iglesia Bautista y Seminario El Calvario’s property. Dormitories and classrooms.Missionary Danny White’s residence in Palmares, Alajuela. Situated on the same property.Future sanctuary for Iglesia Bautista El Calvario.Private residence on property at left, Maintenance in center and Dormitories at right.Kitchen and Dining room on property.Sanctuary with classrooms.Looking at the sanctuary.Private residence in the back and dormitories on the right.Templo Bautista Eben-Ezer in Nicoya, Guanacaste. Pastor Jorge Corrales.Templo Bautista Eben-Ezer. Sanctuary.Templo Bautista Eben-Ezer mural.
Primera Iglesia Bautista Jerusalen, Cineguita, Limon. Left – Brother Hector; Right – Pastor Rodolpho Walters Brown.Primera Iglesia Bautista Jerusalen, Cineguita, Limon.Left to Right – Co-pastor, Helmer Artavia; his wife Mary; my wife Matilde.
From left to right – Co-pastor, Helmer Artavia, his wife Mary; my wife Matilde; myself Jean-Claude; Pastor Rodolpho’s wife Darrell and Pastor Rodolpho Walters.I had the privilege of preaching that night. It was a real blessing.We were sharing our testimonies.Youth pastor at Primera Iglesia Bautista Jerusalen.
Coast of Florida
Welcome to Costa Rica
Arrival/Departure Terminal
Brother Danny Whit and his wife, my wife and I (The Guilbauds). Brother White has been a missionary to Costa Rica for more than 25 years.